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The Hellish Exodus

In the year 152 during the Ages of Chaos (or Chaos Era), the humans on Aelaes began a military campaign against the tieflings in the Infernal Peaks and surrounding lands for control. They came in from the south, sweeping around to the west to begin to corral the tieflings towards the mountains in that they referred to as 'The Great Cleansing', slaughtering villages and cities of tieflings in their wake. The tieflings were pushed back into the Infernal Peaks, where they formed a mountain stronghold that went unpenetrated for almost fifty years. The humans, however, dug through the stone with the help of dwarves hired from Kiras, and eventually breached the stronghold to continue their pushing out of the tieflings.

By the year 8 CE, the entire population of the tieflings had been reduced to a mere three hundred from several thousands from the humans and their campaign. The humans pushed them back into the scrubby, ill-growing land of Askreiz, which was soon renamed to the Hellish Bogs by the victorious humans. It was here that they were allowed to live in relative peace, though with the odd human raiding party attacking them, the tieflings became mostly nomadic in the area, save for only four settlements.

In the year 25 Aeon of Penance, the humans forged a treaty with the tieflings to cease the pillaging and raids on their people, and began to create an uneasy alliance with them. There are rumours of raids still happening, though it is disputed.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
152 CE
Ending Date
25 PE
Conflict Result
Near extinction of the Aelaen tieflings, and relocation into Askreiz.


Humans, the Kingdom of Salis


1,650,000 Soldiers
250,390 Warriors


1,243 dead
154,622 injured.
250,290 Warriors dead
950,068 Civilians dead
156 injured


Extermination of all 'demonspawn'.


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