Alonso Baldassare

Ser Alonso Baldassare- Sovr

Alonso Baldassare is the bastard-son of Manfredo Baldassare and one of two "Platinum Capitaine's" of the Coins Guard. Alonso is a highly skilled blade who has bested many in duel, and in the field of battle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alonso is on the taller side, measuring in at roughly 6 foot, 3 inches. He has a hearty build and is very muscular. He has dark black hair that falls just beneath his shoulders and has a well kept beard of the same colour.

Apparel & Accessories

Alonso wears silver armour, ornately highlighted with golden with the white cloak of the Coins Guard. Additionally Alonso wears a helm sculpted into the shape of a Lions head.

Specialized Equipment

Alonso carries the black-steel bastard sword "Claw," the pommel of which is crafted into a depiction of a Lions head.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the Autumn War, Alonso and a great many other bastard children of Manfredo Baldassare were legitimized in an effort to protect the Baldassare line from harm. Alonso had also received a knight ship during this time. However, after the end of the war the legitimization of Alonso and his sibling was stripped of them, the same was true for Alonso's knight ship. Seeing some use of his child, Manfredo would name Alonso to the Coins Guard in a position of high standing.


Religious Views

Alonso has long sworn off of the gods, believing them to be snide and manipulative.

Social Aptitude

Alosno is considered to be very charming. He is always prepared to speak his mind and participates in social affairs with ease.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lion of Slate Port
The Lion
The Platinum Fist
Light Yellow
Medium, Light Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Olive
216 lbs


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