House Drox

House Drox of Salencona are among the most loyal families in Raventiva, serving House Kcrune faithfully and with great fervour. House Drox bears a dark reputation for ruthlessness and cruelty, having been responsible for the extinction of several houses, both great and otherwise. Their dark reputation has led to their name being uttered in fear by many. Sometimes referred to as the "Talons of the Crown," House Drox is notable for having served as Royal Executioners, Hands, and Masters of Whispers many times throughout Raventiva's history. Their sigil is a white griffin rampant on a field of dark and light blue, overlain with a black shield. Their motto "We Remember," is well said, given the House's long history of grudges.

The Reigning Duke of House Drox is the famous "Old Griff," Aryn Drox. Aryn has had many children over his unnaturally long lifetime though only one, his son Lodovico, is trueborn; the remainder of Aryn's children form an organization known as "The Feathborn," which have recently been called to Salencona and adjudicated as family members. Aryn Drox, while officially the head of his house, often defers to the judgement of his sister Sarisa Drox, leading many to consider her to be the true power behind House Drox.

We Remember

Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
The Talons of Raventiva
Leader Title
Family Leader
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