House Moxley

House Moxley of Blissrock was a noble house in central Raventiva. Their seat was Blissrock, which is located within the city of Redlen. Their arms displayed an eye patch on a checkered field of black-and-red with spikes of yellow piercing inward from the sides. Their words were "An Eye For An Eye," which originated from the houses founder Jon Moxley who had his eye carved out in battle. Moxley would go on to take revenge citing "An Eye For An Eye."
In 804 CC House Moxley was a dying house, though House Griffiths of Ter'kiar saw this an opportunity. The Griffiths would marry into House Moxley which, although now dead itself, would be succeeded by House Cearvi which would take it's place as Great House.

An Eye For An Eye

130 CC - 804 CC

Geopolitical, Great house
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