The Goat

The Goat is a figure of myth within the Validus region, sometimes considered to be a personification of wrath and death. It is taught in some regard throughout the more rural areas of Wesier that wandering into the forests alone will bring the Goat and his brood down upon your village. The Myth of The Goats Brood is based upon the real person and organization of the same name. It is not known however to what extent the tales are based in fact, as most of the physical descriptions of The Goat are found within folk tales and novels.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Goat is regarded as a giant amongst men, being described as close to 9 feet in height in most tales  that involve him. Additionally The Goat is told to weigh well over 430 lbs of pure muscle on top of the inhuman feats he is told to be capable of.

Special abilities

In the many tales of The Goat he has preformed feats of strength that brand him as inhuman. The most well known of these instances comes from the novel The Sword of Ravens, which is itself a retelling of how Arthuro Kcrune ascended to the Throne of Glass. In the scene in question The Goat is seen catching a bolder lobbed towards his forces via trebuchet, before throwing it back towards the machine destroying it and killing its operators, this was all done at a range of 300 feet.

Apparel & Accessories

The Goat is told to carry the Racuthil Greataxe of the late House Breck known simply as "Ripper." The Goat is also depicted as wielding the greataxe with a single hand with little to no difficulty, along with a shield bearing the sigil of his house. The same sigil is told to emblazon his surcoat.

Specialized Equipment

The Greataxe Ripper was told to posses the ability to create fire with every strike. In the tales many a combatant fell victim to the axes flame when they thought themselves safe from The Goats savage strikes.
770 CC 804 CC 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded by Arthuro Kcrune
430 lbs
Aligned Organization
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