The Inquisition

The Inquisition is an organization dedicated to the eradication of demonic and occult presence in Uralease.


The Inquisition is led by a Grand Inquisitor who is elected from a group of influential candidates by the cloth.

Following the Grand Inquisitor would be the Inquisitor Captains which are given their roles directly from the Grand Inquisitor

Finally, following both the Grand Inquisitor and Inquisitor Captains would be the general Inquisitors.

In the 6th (and current) Inquisition the general inquisitors are tasked with the investigation and disposal of occult elements within the human kingdoms; as such inquisitors are a rare sight outside of the Validus region. The presence of an inquisitor within areas not within the boundaries of Validus, while rare, can occur. In most cases (1103 and forward) Inquisitorial personnel being present within a non-human nation is caused by an Inquisitorial Call; an Inquisitorial Call occurs if any powerful individual within a non-human nation places a call towards the Zelist Church to send aid, whether that be in reference to occult or demonic elements is irrelevant. However, it is important to note that Inquisitors (1013 and forward) are not a militant element of the Zelist Church, as such in the case of any Blightspawn present their investigation will be met with a Paladin Sect of the Church being dispatched to deal with the problem. If the infestation is of a small degree however, inquisitors are able to dispose of Blightspawn as well; if the problem is occult in nature the Inquisitors (given that it is within their power to do so) will almost always dispose of them themselves. While disposing of occult elements outside of the Validus region on a Call, Inquisitors are issued Inquisitorial Marks. Inquisitorial Marks allow inquisitors to access any building or archive within their "mandated search area."  

Public Agenda

The Inquisition's public agenda has changed in almost all of the iterations it has taken throughout the centuries.
The First Inquisition: To eradicate the Blightspawn and kill the Witch King Airund.
The Second Inquisition: To track down and destroy the Cult of the Unseen One.
The Third Inquisition: To hunt and dispose of religious dissidents and establish a centralized Inquisitorial Control Area.
The Fourth Inquisition:
The Fifth Inquisition:
The Sixth Inquisition:


The Inquisition is supported monetarily by the organized Zelist Church.


Prior to the Great Calamity, Uralease was engulfed in a time known as “The Age of Darkness.” The Blight’s creations showed the first signs of cohesion, this led to a series of Blightspawn raids against the entirety of Uralease. To counteract these attacks the Zelist Church created what would later be called The First Inquisition. The Inquisition would prove to be incredibly proficient at tracking down and ending these events before they could get out of hand.

The Inquisition would later alter it's goal to fight against the Witch King Airund during the great calamity. During the Calamity itself The Inquisition would ally with the Knights of Silvaris to push back the forces of the First Blight(11,313 PCC). Roughly 100 years after the end of the First Blight, in the year 11,211 PCC, the order would be disbanded for the first time.

By the Lights Decree

Founding Date
11,270 PCC
Religious, Inquisitorial
Related Species


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