The Moon Gate

The Gate

The Moon Gate is a massive gateway built into the expanse of the Brazi'r Mountain Chain separating the surface world from the Underdark below. The Gate itself is 60 feet high and 250 feet long.   The gate was constructed long before the Czerezen Crisis during the Collapse of the Great Elven Empire of Talus Valai during a period of time dubbed "The Great Purge." The was orchestrated by a fanatical splinter group of the Elven Hierarchy known as the High Brotherhood  who sought to eliminate all Drow within Uralease, blaming them entirely for the civil war which had consumed the empire. As such the Drow, led by one Ventsislav Lovric (who would later adopt the name Ventisislav Czerezen), fled into the Underdark constructing the Moon Gate to keep the genocidal fervour of the High Brotherhood. The Gate was constructed in such a way that it could only be opened by one of Drow blood, and thus it stood until the advent of the Czerezen Crisis thousands of years later. It is important to note however, that not all Drow would flee into the Underdark, an organization led by the Lady Viara Tiutchev would remain on the surface and later found the nation of Dren.
"The gate is everything, the only thing that separates us from the beasts that prowl below, the monsters that the children of the realm only dream of."
— Lord Commander Valko Meyer


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