The Deliverance Item in Morova | World Anvil
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The Deliverance

Deliverance came into harbor today, and by gods I was scared for my life just looking at the thing. I can scarcely imagine what it must be like looking at its broadside opposing it at sea. One hundred and twenty two guns, can you believe it? And three masts, tall as the sky! I could scarce take the whole thing in with one look, it was beautiful. A proper monster, that one. You know, I feel a bit better knowing that we got ships like this one out there keeping us in Fharyn safe.

A letter sent from Bransindal, dated October 287 6c.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This ship requires a complement of at least 500 men to make it both operational and capable of full scale naval engagements. It's a standard three-masted ship rig.


This is the flagship of the Fharyne Navy, the most powerful ship yet designed and launched. Its formidable size and astounding broadside spell doom for any adversary so bold as to face it directly. It was built specifically to cow the other two Morovan empires in an unprecedented show of Naval force. Deliverance is not truly tested in combat, as most vessels that encounter it surrender with little fight. There is currently some debate over whether the ship should remain at the disposal of the Navy at large, or if it would be better utilized within the specialized Defense Fleet.
Item type
Weapon, Other
3,000 tons
190 ft length, 50 ft beam
Base Price
$150,000,000 USD (equivalent)
Raw materials & Components
The hull of Deliverance is made of winesap wood, but varnished so that the wood's natural dark red has been tempered to nearly black. It, like all other ships, is held together with fibrous ropes, large metal nails, and tar. Its masts and spars are not winesap wood but pine sourced from mainland Fharyn, and each mast is outfitted with white canvas sheets.

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