This is a perilous future. 518 years ago, the galaxy writhed in agony as the Scream destroyed the Human Worlds Alliance. You are the descendants of the settlers of the MORRIGAN 2-81 sector. This is a chaotic place full of dangers and mysteries.
This is a lonely future. Without the Psi-Gates, the sector is cut off from the rest of humanity. Most non-human organics lived in other sectors. Besides the Naskyr and a few other small groups, the sector is mostly human.
This is a diverse future. There is a vibrant mix of people and cultures among the denizens of the sector.
This is a far-flung future. Settlements lie scattered and often isolated from one another. Your starship can travel at faster-than-light speeds, but it’s ponderously slow at a cosmic scale. Even the closest stars can take up to a week to travel to.
This is an unexplored future. Discoveries await. Even in the settled regions of the sector, much of MORRIGAN 2-81 is unknown and uncharted.
This is a wondrous future. MORRIGAN 2-81 is a sector of ancient mysteries, spacefaring creatures, startling phenomenon, and other marvels.
This is a retro-future. Envision the technology you wield as only slightly advanced over today’s real-world technologies—or even a step back in many ways. Resources are scarce, and the people of the sector must cobble together what they can.
This is an unjust future. Those in power hoard resources, control technologies, and impose their will on others through force or cunning. Others must stand against these forces of imperialism and oppression.
This is a hopeful future. Despite the challenges, hope remains.