Letter to Frulan Mondath

Frulan   I received your raven this morning and the news of the successful raid on Greenest. Wick every victory, our destiny draws closer. I will report this sucsess to Severin, he will be pleased.  
Your account of the monk is most troubling. We need to know what he knows. I, as your informant suggests, he is in any way connected to the Harpers this could be a significant threat to our plans. Keep him alive until you can ascertain precisely what he knows.   Finally, I have enclosed three vials, the latest results of Rath Modar's experiments. The potions work as we had hoped, but they come at a cost, First, the material components needed are extremely valuable and preclude as from making them in any great quantity, Second, the potions effects are not instantaneous, Once imbibed, the subject will enter a trance-like state for approximately ten minutes from which they cannot be roused. Finally, once awake the subject does appear to have gaired the benefits of a nights sleep, but they also report feeling ill - as if they had too much wine. The effect seems to subside after a few hours. Hopefully Rath's acolytes can improve on the formula over time.   Send word once you have broken the monk.   Praise Tiamat's glory,   Rezmir
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