Silverquill's Archaeological Rules to Live By

Lich Lair Spotting: Always note an abundance of arcane symbols combined with an eerie, unnatural silence. If you see a phylactery or suspect one might be around, make a swift exit.   Distinguishing Footsteps: Zombie shuffles tend to drag, leaving uneven tracks with occasional rotting flesh. Humans walk with a more rhythmic and purposeful stride. Learn to tell the difference.   Mimic Identification: If you suspect a chest or door might be a mimic, toss a small rock or object at it first. If it sticks, steer clear!   Roper Relationships: Ropers are capable of speech, and can be bribed with large sources of meat. -added by Conrad Quillwright   Ghostly Etiquette: If you feel a sudden drop in temperature or see floating lights, speak softly and respectfully. Never outright claim you intend to take anything. You're just "observing."   Beware the Singing: Mesmerizing music or singing in the depths of a ruin often indicates harpies or sirens. Always have wax or earplugs on hand, just in case.   Gelatinous Cube Detection: Carry a long pole and occasionally poke ahead, especially in pristine-looking hallways. A cube might be clear and almost invisible, but it's not impervious to a good poke.   Distinguishing Statue from Gargoyle: Always look for subtle signs of wear and tear. True statues erode, while gargoyles, even those centuries old, will have pristine details due to their occasional movements.   Sensing Invisible Entities: Dust pockets or fine sand can be your best friend. If you suspect an invisible presence, scatter some around. Watch for disturbed patterns or footprints.   Trust No Reflection: In rooms with mirrors or reflective surfaces, always double-check your reflection. If it moves on its own or not at all, it might be best to leave that relic behind.   Draconic Residue Detection: Notice a metallic sheen on coins or a sulfuric smell in the air? Could be signs of a dragon's lair. They're magnificent, yes, but discretion is often the better part of valor.