The Writings of Eliron Silverquill

Handling Possession and Mental Distress during Archaeological Expeditions:

A Comprehensive Guide by Professor Eliron Silverfeather, Waterdeep University


During archaeological excavations within the realms, researchers are occasionally confronted with unique challenges beyond the scope of standard fieldwork hazards. Among these, the phenomenon of possession or acute psychological distress stands out. This guide provides methodologies and protocols to effectively address and mitigate such occurrences.   **1. Early Identification**:
  • **Symptoms**: Sudden changes in behavior, vocal tonality shifts, an aversion to sacred or protective artifacts, unexplained knowledge, or periods of memory loss.
  • **Immediate Actions**: Isolate the affected individual from sensitive areas of the site and any potentially harmful objects.
  • **2. Spiritual and Magical Assessment**:
  • Employ a qualified cleric or mage to assess the nature of the possession. Differentiate between a magical curse, spirit possession, or an artifact-induced mental influence.
  • Utilize divination spells, such as *Detect Magic* or *Identify*, to discern the source of influence.
  • **3. Immediate Countermeasures**:
  • For artifact-induced influences, ensure the object is safely contained or neutralized. Seek expert consultation for handling.
  • If possession is identified, consider using spells like *Protection from Good and Evil* to temporarily ward off possessing entities.
  • **4. Long-Term Treatment**:
  • For spiritual possessions, arrange for a cleric proficient in exorcism rituals. *Dispel Evil and Good* or *Remove Curse* spells can be effective.
  • Should the ailment be psychological, ensure the team member is removed from the site and provided with adequate rest and therapy. Consult practitioners specializing in magical maladies.
  • **5. Post-Incident Review**:
  • Analyze the cause and establish new protocols or wards to prevent reoccurrence.
  • Document the incident, ensuring future teams are aware of potential hazards.
  • **6. Ethical Considerations**:
  • Always prioritize the well-being of the affected individual. Do not exploit their state for academic or investigative gains.
  • Ensure confidentiality and offer support. Possession or magical-induced psychological distress can be deeply traumatic. Respect and discretion are paramount.
  • **7. Continuous Education**:
  • Encourage team members to attend workshops or training sessions focused on recognizing and handling such incidents. Knowledge is the first line of defense.
  • **Conclusion**: The realms are replete with wonders and mysteries, but they are not without their perils. It is the duty of every archaeologist to be prepared, not only for the physical challenges but also for the arcane and spiritual. By understanding and respecting the power and history of the sites we explore, we ensure not only our safety but also the preservation and continuity of our rich heritage.   ---