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A ritually created material to protect the wearer from possession especially from ghosts. Created by using a complete bone of a deceased being.. They more powerful the being and stronger the bone the better. the bone is then form into a desired shape. This could be a ring, necklace, or weapon.. The bone is then enchanted to protect against possession.


Material Characteristics

Its color, hardness and shap all depend on the bone chosen to creat the deadbone. THe shape may also be altered into an item as well. Once complete the deadbone usually can runes incribed to it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It protects the wearer from possession, and is very effective on ghost. However, it's important to note deadbones can't ward off all possession. Deadbones protection is only as strong as the enchantment and materials used to create it. If a potential possessor can overpower a deadbone, the deadbone will crack and become ineffective. Still this act usually does weaken the possessor and gives the wearer time to protect themselves. Also if a deabone is cracked physical it will also be rendered useless.

Origin & Source

There are various different enchantments, ritual and techniques that can be used to create deadbone. However not all deadbone is created equal. Their quality can categorize by class, with first class being the strongest and fourth class being the weakest. . Mortafs are known to makes some of the strongest deadbones.

History & Usage


The first Deadbones were created by Mortafs. Originally it was a ritual done on Deceased mortaf corpse to prevent it from being possed or reanimated. However it was discover that when held the protect extended to the bearer of the deadbone. Over time over techniques were discover so other races could craft deadbones, thou with differing quality.


Additional enchatemtns can be added to a deadbone to strengthen it beyongs its intial creation. . Also lower class deadbones can be combined to create stronger items. For an example a necklace can be made of various lower class deadbone that together make the necklace o more effective.

Reusability & Recycling

Once cracked a deadbone becomes useless and cannot be repaired. However fragment can be used as a base for new deadbone, albeit of lower quality.
depends on bone used
Boiling / Condensation Point
til the bones cracks and becomes ineffective
Melting / Freezing Point
til the bones cracks and becomes ineffective
Common State
/craved as and item such as jewelry or a weapon
Related Species

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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