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Haierra Foot

A Fungus said to be sacred to The mist goddess it is named after. In fact its namesake comes form that the belief that the fungus grows wherever Haierra, the goddess of Mist steps on the ground. They grow in areas that commonly have mist, fog, or humidity. and are famously known for their powerful hallucinogenic properties.

Basic Information


The sporocarp is wide and flat. The top is a light indigo with a blue spiral design. Thin silver hair like structure hang form underside of the cap. When touched the sporocarp curls up and jet releases its spore. The hyphae white and have a swirling texture.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once Haierra foot matures and conditions are favorable a mushroom will form above the ground. Once the mushroom is touched or disturbed. it releases its spores into the air. If inhaled by an animal the animal will have a hallucinogenic fit and vomit. The spores will then grow from the vomit. If the spores arent inhaled or ingested, they lie dormant until they reach favorable conditions

Growth Rate & Stages

Haierra Foot grows quick once the spore begins to develop and the mycellium can spread about 24 inches from the spores origin. However they can take up to a year to mature and produce a mushroom. Once mature they can produce sporcarps every6-9 months depending on the environmental conditions.

Ecology and Habitats

Haierra foots seems to grow best in environment that commonly have of mist, fog, or humility, as this fungi requires quick access to water. It also favors dead organic material it can break down for nutrients.

Biological Cycle

Once a Haierra foots matures it doesn't have an exact life cycles. Its development mostly depends on the conditions of its environment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

It is common for multiple spores to be inhaled by the same animals so many spores will grow in close proximity to each other.  As these spores delvelop they make contact with the other developing mycelliums. Then then seem on bond together to form a large colony that is capable of  reaching further and producing more fruiting bodies than they could alone.


Some humans grow Hierras foots in enclosed spaces so that the spores cant be spread to the winds. THey cuationusly collect the fruiting body and spores.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Insanity Spores : Spores released from the sporocarp when touched. The spores will induce a violent hallucinogenic fit when inhaled. However they are not of much use in concoctions, because the effect of the spore either overpowers other ingredients or lose this effect in the concoctions making process.
  • Haierra Fruit: Then Fruiting body of the Haierras Foot fungus. After the spore have been released the fruiting body can be consumed of collected. Injested the fruiting body causes hallucinations, minus the violent fit that comes with inhaling the spores. They are are commonly used in magic manipulation that involves inducing hallucination on a targets mind.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most animals that inhale the spore will have a violent hallucgenic fits. In humans this induces paranoia, sweating, aggression, and spasms in addition to the powerful hallucinations. The trip always ends with the animal having a seizure like fit and throwing up. Apparently the chemicals made by animals during this hallucination trip help these spores to grow more effectively and and quickly. These spores can also be carried by the wind and inflict victim seemingly at random. Ingestion of the sporocarp, after releasing the spores, induces hallucinations, but without the violent fit.

Species Overview

Additional Titles

Hysteria Herald


Mist & Decay

Natural Regions Found

Springia, Freefora, Shorwin, Hollien

Average Height
4-5 inches
Average Length
4-5 in diameter sporocarp, however the mycellicum can reach out 24 in
Sporocarp Description

Wide and flat. that is a light indigo with a blue spiral deisgn

mycelium Description

Whites and curling hyphae

Harvested Products

Insanity Spores, Haierra Fruit

Related Items


Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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