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House Orson

They orginally formed when Autumn Valley was going through a period of rapid development cuasing the destruction to many naturoblood lifelines. What would become the House Orson started as a clan of Druids looking to protect and speak in the behalf of the naturobloods. Eventually their mission lead them to creata a naturoblood sactuary that would develop into the current day city of Oromount. House Orson now acts as the ruling, diplomatic and protecting house of Oromount, Their insignia is a water droplet with 5 dots representative of the natruoblood races. Their house words are “One of Nature”, as they are deeply connected to nature and are obliged to protect it.


House Orson is split into 6 branches, one for each of the Naturoblood race. Their branch is signified by the color of face tattoos and runes. Red is for the Hestian, Blue for the Akneids,yellow for the Loriei green for Ents, white for the Inolems, and black for the Zephien. The runes on their odies grant them abilties that allow them to safely interact with their race of their branc. FOr an exaple Red Orsons have runes that protect them from burn or Blue Orsons a=can brethe underwater.   The respective heads of each branch are typical the eldest active members and are grant the power of a shaman of Oromount thus they can draw magic power from the area allowing them to perform magic feat more easily. The expotion is that direct desendants of Ulsted are born shamans of oromount due to their ancestor bonding their bloodline with the area.


House Orson are desendants of an old order of druids known as the Oro Sons. The Oro Sons mission was "Protect the wilds of nature and to serve as her voice when she couldnt speak" They were a peaceful group that would settle along the boundaries between civilization and nature. They would serve as a liason to wilds of nature and know many of its secerts. They would also take on apprententices that would eveually travel to protect other wilds of natures. The system proved effective until the raise of the sailon empires. Civilizations were agresively expanding without regards to the state of nature. This was further accelrated during the founding of Autumia, as the kingdom was expierencing a large technological boom with the contructions of Arthur Metamesia It was cuasing a crisis for the naturobloods whose life forces were uproots or destory in the growth. The peaceful efforts of the Oro Son were failing to enforce their mission   That changed with Ulsted Orson. He was a natural mage sage saint who began to take an aggressive approach to protect the wilds. He would help the natruobloods migrate deeper into the wilds while also violently punishing those that threatened the wilds. Eventually his reputation created Ulsted many enimes that wanted him dead. All the conflict came to a head on the mountain that would become Oromount. In an act of desperation, Ulsted put on a massive display of magic so powerful that it vanquish all his present eneimes and destroyed half of the mountain in the process. Normally this display would have turned him into a martyr but the combination of the nature goddess blessing and the assistance of a group of ents to share the burden of magic saved him. The process also binded him to the magic of the area making him the first Shaman of Oromount.   This display of power snuffed any of Ulsted eneimes form thinking of threatening him and his allies. THus Ulsted decided to use his reputation to found a Sanctuary for naturobloods and the wilds. Soon naruto loods flock to his Sanctuary along with some of Ulsted fellow Oro Sons who approved of his methods. The called the Sanctuary Oromount as homage for their old order and the mountain that Ulsted broke. Then once Oromont grew into a prominent city power they were approached by the Autumian Alliance. Ulsteda and is Oro Son allies came prepared to defend their Sactuary. However the offered a place among the Autumian alliance. Ulsted and his allies decided to combine to form as the Ruling house to act as the leadership of Oromount to the outer world. They took the name Orson as a nod to their Oro Son orgins. Later Ulsted and is Orosons allies would marry into with the naturobloods leading to mage bloodline with a strong connection to magics of the naturobloods.

Demography and Population

The orson bloodines Appear to be mostly mage with a few exptions. However many show evidence of their naturoblood mixed ancestry throught their magics and physical features.


House Orson watches over Oromount and the surrounding lands in western Autumia. They also montion the blacklin border as needed

Agriculture & Industry

Asa sactuary for nature Oromount has highly producted land and massive agricultural yields. Thus agriculture and textiles are their best trade products.

"One of Nature"

Ulsted Orson
Water droplet with a red, green, blue, brown, black and white dot on the inside
Magics Bloodlines:
Natural, water, crystal, wind, fire
Reoccuring Gift:
Historical Racial Ancestry:

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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