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Ink Writers

One of the founding monastic orders of Monkep and located in high peaks of southwestern Autumia. They are based by the grand libary and They have devoted themselves to the preservation of knowlege They are renown for their skills as scribes vast collection of written knowlege . The are also knowed ans he Tattooed Monk and worship scribe god.   Their insignia is an arrow with spiralled edges. They are also noted by the their extensive tattoos. all over their body. These tattos are typical a combination of runes, wards and designs that are arranged in calligraphic stlye to flow around the body. most of their clothing will expose section and Ink writer is most proud of. Inkwriters also wear a long chain in which they add certain coins, call meritus, that show proficiency in certain subjects.   Most members live in the Northwest district of Monkep. Many of their members are accuired from foreign knowlege seekers. Many other knowelge seeking organzation have partnership with the ink writers. Thus many members act as members to these other organizations as well. In fact Ink writers allow their members to be part of these other organizations.


Joining the Ink writer is fairly simple. To begin one must take and oath to perserve knowlge and then they can begin their studies. to start a candiate member, called a Studento, will pick a one of the general category to specialize in; History, Natural order, Science, Magic studies, Anthropology, Arts, and Medicine. Once ready 3 full members will test a studento general knowlege. If passed they will receive their first mertius and begin the design of their personal tattoos.   Once they become full members, Ink writers typical fill one of the 3 main roles; Scribe author, libraian. Scribes are devoted to copying and translating. They create copies for safe keeping or to send out to other locations. They also are know to tranlste knowelge either to other writing sytems, languages or in different formats. Authors are devoted to doing research and creating new content. They write new knowlege either based on current knowlege and expiermentation. Libarians are devoted to organizing, protecting and finding material from the vast knowelge . they maintain the Grand Libary   Ink writers are devoted to recording knowlege in written form. Thus there heirachy is based on merit and knowlege. Typically the elder members have more influence and maintain order. Also member with more meritus have an even higher amout of influence and prestige. Meritus are earned when an Ink writer can prove their mastery of knowlege in a certain subject. Each Mertius is colors based on the subject they are organzied into; Orange for History, green for Natural order, blue for Science, violet for Magic studies, yellow for Anthropology, red for the Arts, and pink for Medicine. then each Meritus has a symbol or insription specifying the specific area of study. For an example, an ink writer that becomes an expert on dragons can earn a green meritus with a image of a dragon on it. THey are hunred of possible meriti.


The ink writers are famous for their vast collection of written knowlege. They have manage to preserve knowlege of time and collect it form various sources. This also makes them a key resource in academic pursuits by various educational and academic societies.

Demography and Population

As the ink writers look to record knowelge from all source, their organiation is filled from members of all races. Most members also choose to join the order in the pursuit or perservation of knowlege. ALthought there are a few member who are exposed to the order at a younger age if their parent are in the order. In fact membership is not effected by age either. THus children can be part of the order so long as they show mastery of thier suject just as any other member would have to.


The operate out of the northwest district of the Monkep. THeir headequater is the Grand library. It is a massive library that is ever expanding. Thus the ibary appear of various different archtecure stlyes.


The Ink writers are non a various combative order. At the most their libarian recieve some combative training in order to protect the library. However, their not a significant fighting foreces. Still the ink writers do have extentive battle and combat knowlege and are ecellent in battle stragegy, history and tactics. In terms or defense Ink writer are superious skilled in the creation of wards, barriers, seal, and enchantments.


Education of ink writers is mostly self driven. Prospective members willl study the extensive coolection of knowelge. They can also seek out advise and teachings from any of the exsisting member. In fact, Many senior ink writers with host seminars to share their knowelge. Once an ink writers tinks they have a firm grasp on a suject they can be tested by at least 3 other members, preferable from the same or a similar field. The test can be a speech, essay, demostration, wrttinen test, orall questionaire, disscussion or any other method the testing members deem appropriate.

Divine Origins

The ink Writer order was founded by a scribe demigod negias, Tolister Sully. As a child of the scribe God he had access to the gods library. This fueled his desire to make his own library that rivaled his divine fathers and could be acessed by the any who wished to seek knowlege. He spent most of his lifetime copying various rare text from R the scribe go'd libaray and took tedious notes on all he learned as he travel. In his travels he encountered many other knowelge seekers, who joined him on his journey, and would become the first ink writer. Eventually their collection of text was to great to easily transport. However with some guideance by the Scribe god these eariler ink writers made their way to monkep and became one of the founding orders.

Tenets of Faith

Ink writers do not have a strict laws to govern their order or life style. In general their goal is to record and perserve all knowlege. So long as you keep this as a main motivation or purpose the order does not dicate how it is done. Some members travel as nomads. Other settle and create familes. Others even go off to live life as a hermit. Also long as knowlege is preserved and shared with devotion one can be an ink writer,


Since ink writer are free to choose their life styles they dont have a srtict code of ethics. Even certain taboos such as huamn expiernemtnation are tolerated for the sake of knowelge, Thou comitting these taboos can still tarnish ones reputation or sense of respect from one peers. However there is one way to get kicked out of the order; One can activately seek to destroy knowlege. This inculdes eliminating memories, purposefully destroying text, or assination of knowelge holder. Once one has been kicked out of the order they are strippe of their mertius and are brnanded with a ward that prevents them from entering the grand library.   Note: the restriction of knowelge, while discouraged, is not considered a mean of explusion of the order as the ink writers are well aware of power of knowlege in the wrong hands.


The ink Writers dont have official leaders. However, the most expierenced and knowledgeable members have more infulence. Thus the elder members with the most Merti appear to "leaders". These elders members seem to guide the others and teach the younger genrations in the spirit of spreading knowlege. Thus out of mutual respect most member tend to listen and obey to the advice of these elder members.

"Immortality and Enlightment through words"

All text
Place of Origin:
Monkep Northwest District
  Grand Libary
Social, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Tattooed Monks,
Ink Writer

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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