BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Origin of Magic

The existence of magic is a paradox. Magic is the essence of all that is reality, but at the same time reality is the result of all the overlapping magic’s. Magic is all the forces and aspects that give our reality form and function. Thus it is through learning to connect and control with magic in its various forms, allows beings to shape out world.

Based on this definition, magic is a massive entity that is a summation of various contradicting parts. However, if magic was just a mass of contradictions reality would be stuck in a state chaos. So how does magic maintain its diversity, while managing to maintain a state of relative stability? The answer was discovered though history. Various studies by historians discovered what is known as the Chaotic Magic era. This was actually the era immediate following the 1st convergence that formed the 7 celestial bodies. Magic in its raw form made Magivio an arena for the various forces of our reality. The earliest forms of magic ravaged the environment leaving the planet in a fluctuating state of destruction and reconstruction. But that all changed after the 3rd convergence when magic divided into various types.

For an entire era the planet began to calm down. However, in this age magic became stagnate. The magics divided, but had no way to interact with one another and the reality they were part of. The solution would be the creation of the first magic beings, the gods. The gods took various forms and personified the traits of the magics they each embodied. They can control their respective magic with just will. They have personalities, motivations, aspirations and flaws. The gods began to shape the world and push magic to evolve. They became the major influences to what we understand as magic today.


The Magics

There are 45 different types of core magic. Each either manipulate and creates an element, forces, or source. Each magic has a unique magic circle design and magic ring design. These magic also have a color for their magic circles. The magics also carry certain magic attributes that may not be inherent in their elements raw form. Some magic also have special relationships with one another. Magic weakness are magics that are super effective against a magic. Magic Dominance are other magic a said magic is strong against. Magic Compliment are other magics that a said magic can boost. Magic Supplements are other magic which can boost said magic. Lastly Magic Pairings are other magics which each have the both strengthen or weaken said magic.  

The 45 Magics

Fire | Molten | Burst Earth | Stone | Crystal Dust | Metal | Water | Ice Mist
Wild | Natural | Decay Sky | Wind | Lightning Sound | Light | Shadow Blood | Body | Mind
Weapon | Alchemy Puppet | Barrier | Seal Scribe | Enchantment White | Black | Chaos Order
Death | Life | Celestial Lunar | Solar | Time Space | Demon | Spirit Void | Anti-magic

Magic Connection and Power

Understanding that magic is reality itself explains why we are all capable of magic. Magic is part of all beings. But why is it that some beings have more powerful magic? Initially it was believed that beings just contain more magic. However this is not the case. If it was, all beings would be able to freely control magic at will with out the need of magic manipulations. We would all be like gods. So magic theorists looked for a new explanation. The answer found was connection. Every being is connected to certain magic at various degrees of power. So magic beings don't have a fixed amount of magic they have to recharge, but instead have a limit on how much they can maintain control of over time.

Loss of Magic Control

A common misconception is that a being can "run out of" magic. However, in reality it the loss off control of magic that makes  one run out of magic.  Also in cases where a being is incapble of performing a magic is just mean a being lack control to direct magic to perform a certain task.  This occurs when a magic user attempts to control more magic than they can handle or if they maintain a flow of magic for prolonged amount of time. In most cases,  when there is a loss of  or lack of magic control the flow of magic stops and the magic manipulation ends or fails. However this changes in high magic situations such as  rituals and high level spells.  If the magic flow is high enough and control is loss the magic manipulation can cuase unwanted or additional effect or event cause harm to the user.  In cases where this uncontroled magic flows continues  the magic flow and take over the user and turn them into a Martyr.

Inherent Magic Strength

Strength of one’s connection relays on various factors, the most prevalent found were time, birth situations, bloodlines and fate.Time involves the state and form of magic during the conception and gestation of the magical being. Birth situations involve additional manipulation of magic during the birth. This includes celestial events, alignments, and magical ritual performed by other magical beings. One of the strongest factors for magical connection found was bloodline. This is due to the fact that magical connections can be pass down through generations. In fact, this factor is the most predictable for magical connection. Lastly the most powerful and least predictable factor is fate itself. It would seem that initial magical connection strength is determined at random as well. Almost like magic itself chooses who it wants to connect with, However most beings also have a magic connection potential, to expand their connection to magic.

  One can increase their connection to magic with practice, rituals and time. Better yet one can learn more effectively control the connection one has. With an understanding of magic theory and mechanics anyone any better hope to improve their experience and connection to magic.  

The Garderners Watering Hose Analogy: A magic theroy for magic control

Many Magic theorist have used the anology of the waterring hose in order to explain how magic connection works. The setup involves a gardener holding a various hoses with a nozzles that allows him to control of water from multiple larger tanks. The garnder then has to effectively contol his nozzle and use the correct hoses and tanks in order to direct the water to reach his plants with out damaging them. This esstialy explains how magic connection works.   In this case the gardner represent a magic user, the tank is the realms of magic, the hose is magic connection, the nozzle is a users magic contol. The tanks like the types of magic are vast and cannot be used effectively as a whole. As the varied tanks with different purposes represent the different types of magic with diverse uses.   The hoses the gardner hold also vary. The can be different size, shapes and textures. This demostrates how a magics user connection to each magic is different. "larger hoses" mean a user has a stronger contection while a "sprial hose" cold mean a magic than a user can control easier by to a less powerful degree. The multiple hose also serve to explains a magic users overall proficency, power and diversity. A gardner who can only hold but some many hoses, and relative sizes and shapes of the hosea even dictate how many and how powerful the hoses will be. Similarly a magic user can only use but so many types of magics and the more powerful one magic is then the weaker other magic will have be in order to maintain control. This is why Magic power and magic diversity seem to be inverse traits in a magic user. For an esample mages, are capable of using all magic, but are less capable at using powerful magic.   The next part of the anology is the nozzle. it works just like magic control. This nozzle normally remains close but the gardner opens it to control the flow. The more expierenced control a user has the more capble they are at control the flow to do exactly as they please. However the more the nozzle is open the larger flow and the more unwanted splashing occurs. In the case of magic the more magic that is allowed to flow the wilder it with act naturally. The eventually it can be too much for the user to control.   Wehn the garnders begins to lose control 3 things can happen. The nozzle will revert to its close state. However if the flow is strong enough, the nozzle wont close and the the gardner lose control of the hose. Lastly if the flow is way to powerful the nozzle breaks and the gardner is washed away in the torrent. This reprsent the 3 scenarios of what happens when a user loses control of their magic flow. The first is the most common. Usually when control is lose a magic manipulation will fail and stop. In some cases a users control is so servely lacking magic flow never starts. In the second secenarios is when a user begins a magic powerful manipulation and loses control during the process. However the power of the magic flow is so strong that the magic continues to due as it pleases. In these cases a users with usually need and intervention or assistance to regain control or to end the manipulation. The last scenarios is the rare but most dangerous situation. It only occurs in the highest levels of magic manipulation, such as rituals, that typically demand various conditions. In genral these maniplation once started cannot be stopped. Thus when control is lost the magic will ovecome the user and the magic will use the magic user. The magic will become a what is called a Martyr, a etheral being of magic that act under the naturae of the magic that consumed them.   Lastly the water hose anaology equates gifts as a leak in the hose. Gift essentialy leaks of magic connection that do not need to be activatley controled with expiernce or knowledge ,but rather with instinct.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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