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Martydom is a condition that occurs when a magic user loses control of a magic. Usually when a magic user loses control of a magic manipulation, either the manipulation ends or the magic manipulation will produce undesired results. However in the case of certain high magic manipluations such as ,rituals, the magic will coontinue to flow until is takes over the user. The magic begins to control the user and the user is tranformed in a being of magic. However it comes at the cost their own conscienceness and free will. The typical wander aimlessly, acting according to the nature of the type of magic that overcame them. However, since they are being of magic that lack freew will that can be controlled, summon, divided, fused, enchanted or contained by other magic users. Lastly Maytrs "die" if their connection to magic is severed, their matryr form is sealed within another source, or if they are destroyed by another source.


Maytrdom happens when a magic user loses contol of a high magic manipulation. Most commonly this occurs with rituals, as they typically require alot of magic and additional steps to begin. Thus typically when rituals start they don,t stop until they complete their task. It is still possible to be martyred with spell as well. Usally this happens with high magic spells that have a timed effect while active or with complex spells with multiple parts. Casters can even purposely become a matyr in order to become a source for a magic manipulation.


The matyrs orginal form will tranform according to the type of magic they were consumed by. Being that they are directly connected to magic the martys will be capable of great feats of magic. However, once the become martytred they lose all sense of self and conscienceness. They lose memories, desires and purpose. Some even lose the abilty to communicate. So unless directed they act acoording to their magic


There is no know treatment for a being to regain its former consciousness. However martyrs can either be trapped used as a magic source to maintain magic manipulations. They can also be sealed in items to be a source for enchantments. Sometimes they are even divided so they can be used in muultiple way. Though this is a potiential dangerous situation, beacuase if it is not done correctly it can cuase the martyr to self destruction in a massive blast.   Martyrs can also be hosted in other living beings. Depending on the power of the martyr and the host, the host may exibit some physical changes while hosting. It could be a simple as a eye or hair color change. Or the change can be dramatic enough to create a new being, such is the case of the Sowui. The benefits of Hosting a Martyr is a additonal souce to draw magic from. Plus since martyr have no will of their own they are easy to control. On the down side Hosting a martyr is voilatile and if the host loses control they risk becoming a host themselves or self destruction
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

Martyr Types

Martyrs act differently according to the nature of the magic they were over combine. Each martyrs as a unique change in appearance, purpose, tendencaies, attractions and type of destruction. The various types are as follows:   Life Magic: Life Magic Martyrs actually keep their base original form except their body is covered in unique green glowing tattos. Their eyes become pupuilless and also glow. Their hair turns paper white and seems to flow as if there hair was moving in water. They wander and heal life that they find is damaged. They seem to be attracted to sickly areas, espeically battlefields or hospitals. They are also peaceful and easy to trap. When destroyed they release a large wave of magic and heals and enhances all within the blast.   Death Magic: Death Magic Martyrs appears s reanimated coporpses of their original form except their body is covered in unique red markind. Their eyes scaalera turn black and pupils turn red. They wander killing all they touch. They also reanimate the dead that they find They seem to be attracted to areas with alot of death, espeically graveyards and deadgates. They are slow moving and clumsy and thus easy to trap. When destroyed they release a large wave of magic that kills all life within the blast.   Black Magic Black Magic Martyrs maintain their orginal form, but are completely jet black with all white eyes. They wander spreading malice as their mere presense inspire other to act on there darkest thoughts. They are known to haunt individuals with their greatest fears, and are famous for giving terrible nightmares to sleeping victims, They seem to be attracted to to powerful indivuals. They are known to move in distrubingly unconventional ways. When destroyed they release a large wave various curses that attach to different items or being.   White Magic White Magic Martyrs maintain their orginal form, but are completely paperwhite with all black eyes. They wander spreading happiness as their mere presense inspire hope to others. They are known toassit individuals with theirbut inspiring hopes, and are famous for giving enlightening dreams to sleeping victims, They seem to be attracted to to weak indivuals. They are known to move in distrubingly calm ways. When destroyed they release a large wave of white magic that purifies the area.

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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