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A Tall vertical stem plant with deep green 5 pointed leaves. Its name partly comes form its leaves that vaguely resemble outstretched fingers. The first half of it namesake is due pt the special properties of the oil the plant produces. Merryfinger oil is famous for inducing a state of happiness or euphoria. Thus is commonly grown for medical and for recreational purposes.

Basic Information


A plant with stiff, thin, and tall vertical stems. The leaves are deep green 5 pointed leaves the branch out from the stem. It has small yellow multi layered flowers that grow in bunches and eventualy give way to fuzzy seed pods

Genetics and Reproduction

Merryfinger blooms in the height of the summer month. when in bloom merryfinger will grow bunches of flowers on the furthest ends on the main branches. The largest bunch usually is only on the top of the entire plant. During this phase merryfinger oil is more potent that usual. Once pollinated the flower bunch become fuzzy seedpod from which seed will eventually fall from. However in this seed phase merryfinger oil is at it most potent and attract various species that will commonly spread seeds to new locations. If the individual plant survives the seeding seasons in may flower again the following year. However, only in maintained and highly favorable conditions will an individual merryfinger plant bloom twice. Still a merryfinger in its second bloom as more potent oil that its previous bloom.

Growth Rate & Stages

Merryfinger grows pretty fast. Seeds usually germinate in mid spring. In favorable conditions they will grow to be about 5-7 ft by early summer. The mid mid summer month are spent in bloom and the remainder of the summer is typical devote to producing seeds. If the plant survives this, the fall and winter months are then spent recovering leaf growth. They if conditions are favorable the merryfinger in undergo a second bloom after which most merryfinger plants die.

Ecology and Habitats

Grows in warmer and sunny climates with loose fertile soil. They also require alot of direct sunlight to grow successfully and to flower. Thus is thrives around Springia and Summedia and certain areas of the Muora and the Esterilles. They also can grow in the whiteland, but they usually bloom once in this region

Biological Cycle

Merryfinger is a relatively needy plants. It needs ample of direct sunlight, loose soil and a decent amount of water. Individual plats grow relatively fast but don't live long. Most individual plants live 1-2 years.

Additional Information


Due to the plants nigh maintenance, the plants was not historically grow on a large agricultural scale. However as the recreational and medical uses for Merryfinger oil and pulp increase, Farming of the plant is evolving.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Merryfinger Oil:The oil of plant that induces a state of happiness. Oil can be ingested or applied topically to get this effect. However if the oil is burned in order to inhale it will induces deep happiness to the user, but it induces a vegetative state. Used mostly concoctions for pain relief and recreational feeling
  • Merryfinger Stalk: The fibrous stalks can be soaked and the pulp can be can be used in a variety of materials such as textiles, crafts, or paper products.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Merryfinger itself does not have a connection to magic. The Happiness effect of merryfinger oil actually a more chemically based. The oil is usually can be pressed from the leaves. However the oil found in the seed pods is more portent and can induce a euphoric state.

Species Overview

Common Names: Happy Leaf   Plant type: Flowering Plant   Magics: N/A   Natural Regions Found: Springa, Sumedia, Esterille Whitelands
1-2 year
Average Height
5-7 ft
Flower Description: Small yellow multi-layers bunches   Leaf Description: 5 pointed and thin   Seed Description: Small oval dark green with a fuzzy outer layer   Harvested Products: Maryfinger Oil   Related Items: Arcolight

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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