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Shadow Magic

Magic to manipulate the element of shadow and interact with the realm of darkness . Shadow magic can control the shapes of shadow and can also can give shadow solid form. Shadow magic can also be used to summon darkness to extingish light. The magic can also be used to store and summon object from within shadow. Skill users can even become shadow and move around, It has a dark violet magic circle and has repressive, movement and binding attributes.  


Shadow Magic Martyrs appear as a shadowed version of their orginal form. Hower they keep their original eyes as their sole distinguishing feature. They wander the night extingusihing sources of light. The also are known to hide object with in their shadows. Using shadowalking, they are quick, fluid and hard to catch or contain. However if a bright light is shone on them it forces them into their phyiscal forms and stuns them temporaily. When destroyed they a release a mass of darkness that covers a large area and then pulls that it can into the shadows.    


Basic Level

  • -Shadow bind: A spell that allows userto animate exsisting shadow to form restrict movement of target
  • -Shadow bond: A spell that allows bonds a a casters shadow to a target focing the target to mimic the movements of the caster
  • -Dark shape: A spell that allows user change the form of shadows. can be used to send messages
  • -Shadow Walk: A spell that allows user turn into a shadow and move. It also can be used to hide in exsisting shadows
  • -Shadow store: A enchant that allows user to store objects and willing targets in shadows temporaily. However if illuminateed object will be realesed from shadow
  • -Darc Reach: A spell that forms shadows into a tangible hand that can extend users reach
  • -Magi Shade: A seal that temporaily turns covers all sources of light
  • -Dark whip: A spell that creates a tangliable whip made of shadow
  • -Dark spheret: A spell that fires a mass of darkness at target. The size can varies
  • -Solid Shadow: A enchant that gives a shadow solid form
  • -Shadow sight: A enchant that allows user to see in darkness
  • -Shadowforme: Shaggy Dog Spell that molds tangible shadows into the form of a dog that can be used to attack and retrive and restrain.
  • -Shadowforme: Crow Spell that molds tangible shadows into the form of a crow that can be used to attack and retrive. It can also be used for reconnaissance and send messages
  • -Shadowforme: Black Mamba Spell that molds tangible shadows into the form of a snake that can be used to attack and restrain. It can supress the magic use of those it bites
  • -DarkFeather Chant that creates floating black feathers that slowly absob light, darkening an area.
Advance Level
  • -Shadow Puppet: A spell that allows user to control a target by controlling their shadow
  • Shadow Stitch: A spell that forms multiple tangible tentrils of shadow that can move can be controlled indenently from each other and have minor piercing power.
  • Dark Partner: A enchant that makes the users own shadow into a tangible clone
  • Black Floor: A barrier that covers the floors in solid shadow paralyzing all target s whos shadow gets trapped on the area of effect
  • Shadow cast: A spell to summon a wall of tangible shadow
  • Shadowfighter: A spell in which the user covers fist, feet or weapon in shadow. if attached land on shadow they do phyiscal damage as well. Also easliy transistion to other shadow manipulations
  • Obscure portal: A spell in which the user can send an object into the shadows and exsist at a different shadow
  • Shadowforme: Night Hunt Spell that ceates and controls mutiple Shaggy dog shadowformes that attack in a coordinated attack
  • Shadowforme:Dark Murdert Spell that ceates and controls mutiple Crow shadowformes. That can be uses for wide reconnaissance
  • Shadowforme: Striking Shadow Spell that ceates and controls Black Mamba shadowformes
  • Shadowforme: Black Tortise barrierthat molds tangible shadows into the form of atortise shell . It can be used as a barrier form or as a trap to contain targets
  • -God Rune: NightCaster has to create the God rune for "Night" using shadow. Once created all light in areas will quickly by extinguished

Sage Level

  • Midnight slash: A spell that released a concentrated tangible shadow arc with great slashing power. Its slashing powers can be increase when cast wih weapon
  • Pure Darkness: A ward that creates a sphere of pure darkness that no light can pass trough
  • Shadow Dance: A spell that splits the users shadow into multiple clones
  • Black Envy: A seal that creat emutilple tanglible arms of shadows to rerict and contain target
  • Shadow cloth: A seal of flat show that covers targets and greatly restrict magic
  • Shadow Ban: A seal in which the caster can banish a being or object to the shadow Realm permanently. The bigger the object and more resistant the more diffcult it is to perform
  • Shadowforme: Glitanta Spell that molds tangible shadows into the form of a Gaint Snake
  • Shadowforme: Dark Dragons Feast Spell that creats a gaint shadow in the form of a dragons head that swallows target into the shadow realm
  • Shadow cloak: Charm that binds tangible shadow to the caster so that the user manipulte into various forms. Require a great deal of magic control to manipulate and manitain. The user could form wings to fly, Create armor for defense, more esily blend into shadows, or form additional limbs or tendtril. The possiblitylies are limited only to the users imgination and capabilities.
  • God Rune:PrisonCaster has to create the God rune for "prison" using shadow. Once created and all stadows in the vincity will move to retrain target
  • -God Rune:SwallowCaster has to create the God rune for "swallow" using shadow. Once created a dark hole is created that pulls all in its area into the shadow realm.


  • Dark Mass: A ritual that require alot of magic control. Once activated dark clouds of pure darkenss grow and expand uncontrollably. When the caster finishes chanting. all unanchored objects, inculding the user will be pulled into the Shadow Realm
  • Shadow Realm Gate: A ritual that requires ablood sacrifice, a sigular light force, shadow formed runes, and a large amount of magic. The ritual allows the user to open a gate to the Shadow Realm so that object can enter or leave it


- The Shadow Realm:  As we normally see in the realm of the light the shadow realm exsist where light isn't. Inside the shadow realm is described as a dark place where all shadows connect. However hard shadows in the realm of light act as windows into the realm of light. Thus shadow magic users can enter this realm to move among shadow or to hide thing away from the realm of light. However it is now always safe in the shadow realm as certain creature lived there or have been banished there. It also is a good place to find the shadow goddess.
  - Midnight Blade:  A black blade with a silver edge and a curved indent and 5 holes towards the hilt. It I a blade that was forged with the blood of 5 sage level mages from 5 magics; shadow, lunar, celestial, black, and space. They also went through extensive coven rituals dring a a new moon to enchant it with magic. It can summon Night crescents which are capable of breaking seals. Was made famous by the Midnight Berserker.


When Shadow magic manipulations are performed a rich violet magic circle appears


Shadow magic is stronger in locations where shadows or darkness is already present. THus it is more power in location suich as cave, forest and indoors. It also is particluar powerful at night, especially during a New moon.
Meanwhile shadow magic is weaker in brighter locations or during the day  

Famous Bloodlines

  • Slav - Desendants of Igor Slav, a skilled shadow Shadai. Specialize in espionage, restraint and infirmation gathering. They lead the Blackstone Covert Op and have close ties with House Vargraven. Higher member have acess to the Slav Codex with unique techniques and secerts.

Magic Overview

Shadow Magic CIrcle
Osiria: Goddess of Shadow
Magic Circle:
Rich Violet
Conduit Form
Shadow realm of complete darkness
Light Magic
Fire, Solar, Order, Seal, Wild
Lunar, Natural, Spirit
Mist, Decay
Void, Stone
Magic Zones:
The Shadow Realm
Enhancing Events:
Night, New moon
Magically Proficient Races:
Mages, Shadai, Shiro, Enkalions, Kirakai
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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