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A weaponized Material made of gargolye stone mixed with silver. Its name is a referencae as to how the powder form of the material appears when propelled in the air. It was developed during the Featherstone war to give the Gargoyles an advantage to combat the angels. However it is also effective against demons and spirits. The various forms of the substance can be used to lock up an angels wings and take away their abilty to fly. It is a substance revered by gargolyes and hated y angels.


Material Characteristics

An alloy a its base form it appears as a dull silver metal that has matte speeckles. Its relative brittle nature often leads to jagged edges. It can be be crushed into a powder that appears as a silverily dust with larger dark specks. its powder form and also be disolved in certain acidic liquids or propelled into the air and appears a a dull silver dust cloud.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Silverdustwas intially created in order as weapon against angels. However, it was discovered to also be effecive against demons and spirits as well. When inhaled, ingested, or injected is servely limits an angels, demons and spirits abiltiy to perform magic. For angels it temporaily cuases them to lose the abilty to fly. For demons is can act as a paralyzing agent, and for spirits it forced them to keep a physical form with limited movement. It also has a painful gritty numbing feeling on contact with angels, demons and spirits.
  Beyond being used as a weapon silverdustt also as an conduit for many earth magic manipulations. Espically the gargolyes specialized stone magic arts.


Due to its relative brittle nature Silvermist isnt not commonly fused as a compund with other materials. However silverdust is can be welded onto more durable materials or weapond for more practical use.

Geology & Geography

As an alloy silver mist is not found in nature. It is more commonly found among gargoyle community since it require gargolic stone to create. Its location of orgin, Silverfort, remains as its largest producer due to its acess to silver mines and large gargolye population.

Origin & Source

SIlverdust is an alloy created by combining broken gargolic stone with silver. Usually the silver is heated and crumblings of gargolic stone is added and incorperated to the silver as it cools

Life & Expiration

As a realtively brittle metal silverdust can be physically broken down until it can be removed or processed by the body. There is not an antidote to simply neuturalize the effects. the body needs to naturally process the mateiral out its system, or magical manipulations can be used to directly extracte the material. However this will be a painfully or unpleasant process.

History & Usage


Silverdust was developed during the Featherstone war. Orginally the gargolyes were just trying to enhance the anti-angellic properties of their horns that they observed in battle. Silverdust was first uses at a battle than would beome know as the battle of the Falling Feathers. Gargolyes cuaght the angels by surpised as they deployed silverdust in the air for the first time. Many angels would fall to their death as their wings locked up. THe battedfiel was littered which what remained of the fallen angels.
The invention of silverdust would cuase a turning point in the war. It gave gargolyes true fighting power against the angels. It also have the angels true reason to fear the gargolyes. At first it cuased the angels to take the war even more ruthlessly, the casuasties it cuassed would eventually lead for a truce to be called.
After the truce was called other uses of silverdust were looked into. it was discovered that silver dust was effective on demon and spirits. Likely due to their involvment on the gargolye creation. Silverdust was also effective with earth magic manipulations.


SIlverdust was orginally created by a gargolyes names Baela Kuvirio. She intially observed that gargolye horns seemed to be extra effective on angels during a battle. she theorized it had to do with the gargolye orgins. With the gargolye leadership approval she consulted the journals of the Gargole creator. She orginally was just looking for a way to enhance the effectiveness gargolye horn. The along with expirimentation on their captured angel soliders she created silverdust. It was later discovered to be effective on demons and spirits.

Everyday use

Silver dust is mainly used as a weapon agaist angels demons and spirts. However it is expanded to be used earth magic manipulation and as pat of gargolye attire

Cultural Significance and Usage

Beyond angels, demons and spirits silvermist does not have additional effects on other races. Thus most of the other races see silverdust as a material for use in earth magic manipulation. it is commonly seen as the " angel bane" and is sought after for those who many eniemes with angels. However the discovery of its effectiveness on demon and spirits is making it popular with those with demonic or spirtual dealings
Among many gargolye populations silverdust is treated with a holy status. Many attribute it being the substance that allowed for the true gargolye liberation. It is commonly used in their ceromonial object and commonly used ini gargolye ceremonial obects, attire and jewelry.
On the other hand silverdust is feared among angellic communities. It is the material created a vunerablity to their power. It is a material what directly attack with prized and precious wings and abilty to fly. It is the materials that unlock a new fear of dying to the disgrace act of falling, when they saww themselves as kings of the skies. Silverdust espcially inspires a seething hatred for the angels of Ivorie. It is a reminder of their greatest defeat and a day if great loss. It was the cuase for a challenges their power. In fact it is hated so much their is a ban on silverdust in the city.


Silverdust can be used in various phyical forms. When being created it can be cast into various solid forms. However due to its relatively brittle nature it is easily cracked broken with signficant force. thus it is more common that shards of silverdust are welded or attached to more durable aboucts such as clubs, blades, and arrowheads. Thus the silverdust shards can be broken off into victims and can be replaced as needed.
Silverdust can also be crushed down into a powder. THis form is were the name sake comes from. When propelled into the air it forms a silvery dust cloud that can be inhaled or rest on the skin. this powder can also be dissolved in acdic and be injested as well,


To most races silverdust has the same hazard a metalllic dust would have. If gotten in eyes it can cuase irratation and temporary blindness. If in dust cloud form is can mke it difficult to breathe. However for angels, demons and spirits it has additonal effects For all three the metal serverly impacts their ability to perform magic. It is also produces a gritty painful numbing feeling on contact for their beings. WHen inhaled it makes breathinf extremly difficult and feels like internal scratching of the lungs. when ingested is produces internal painful numbess. In angles silverdust takes away their abilty to fly until the silverdust is removed or worked through the body. In demons silverdust acted as a paralyzing agent and in spirits is forces them to keep an unchanging physical form.


Law & Regulation

Silverdust is banned in the city of ivorie
Bitter and chalky
Dull silver with matte speckles
Common State
Brittle metal

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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