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Also known as the hunting of the titans. It was a period towards the beginning of the 106 era in which humans hunted down the terraforming TItans. THey were searching for new source of power that would result in extinction of the titans, birth of new races, and a great altercation of the continent.

The Conflict


After the Era of Evil and the Wild eras, Morterons had gone through a purge of water and fire that had drastically changed the ecosystems of the Morteron. The gods sought to create a force that could actively terraform and maintain the balance among the planets. Thus the Titans were made. As a collective they molded the environment and fostered the diversity of life among it. Lesser beings both revered and feared them for the power they had to create and destroy. Some even worshiped them as gods. However this would change at the end of what would become known as the Enlightenment Eras.   During the Enlightenment eras humans had learned esperato and had found ways to perform more powerful and complex magic manipulations than their ancestors before them. At first this progress led to a time of prosperity and growth. However the spread of knowledge and competition of resources would start to lead to conflict. In fact, the eras to follow would become known as Blood Eras. During this time many humans crafted powerful weapons and sought various forms of additional power. One group of master forgers known as Cyclidipes Saw the titans as a new power. Using a new metal they found and refined what would be known as the Titan Slayers. Then little after the start of the 106 era they killed the antimagic titan


After the slaying of the Antimagic Titan the Cyclidipes, began to perform a ritual to abort the power of the Antimagic titan for themselves. However, there were unseen consequences. They had angered the Elder god Nen, the god of antimagic. During the Cyclidipes Ritual he intervened and modified their ritual for power into a curse. The curse also modified they Cyclidipes body to give them one eye, a punishment of their "single sightedness". the curse also cut off the participants and all their descendants access to magic. Then would become vessels for antimagic. Now they could no longer perform the magic manpulation in order aquire the power of the other Titans.   However this did know stop their plotting to fell the titans. To them the Titans were more dangerous than ever. In their eyes the best case scenario, the Titans would seek to avenge the antimagic titan and set their wrath on the Cyclidipes. THe worst case scenario is that the Titans would run wild. The antimagic titan's main job was to keep the other titans in check, and with its absence there was no telling what the Titans would do. However the Cycidipes were aware they would be unable to fight the Titans themselves. THus they forged more titan slayers and gathered groups of humans that would help them to hunt down the Titans,   In the meantime the titans had learned of what happened to their fellow titan and balancing force. Surprisingly they did not run wild or seek revenge. In fact they responded with fear. This was the first time they realized that what they consider " lesser beings'' were capable of destroying them. THe titans started to either gather in groups or drastically modified the environment to protect themselves. Builder titans are raising greater mountains and carving deeper mountains and caves. Destroyed titans expanded the dunelands and craved new volcanoes. flowing titans changed the course of rivers and floating titans summoned storms of protection.


While the Titans were acting to protect themselves the humans interpeted their actions as proof they were preparing for war. THe cyclidipes were easily able to gather great human forces. Battles insued wherever they could find titans. However there were some hotpots in whichs groups of tiants had gathered to take a stand
  • Dunelands: The dunelands were orginally created as a result of Destroyer Titans reducing the moutains to sand. During the titancaso the Destoryer titans here greatly expanded this region. The floating titans further manipulated the winds to reduce rainfall. This new arid climate made the region difficult for humans to live in and search for them. It said the titans hear disappeared into the sands
  • Bloodpeake: Bloodpeake is one of the the large volcanoes in the southern regions of Westril. During the Titancaso some Destroyer and Builder Titans gathered here and raised Bloodpeake to its current size and transformed the surrounding lands into a valley of volcanic activity. Some of the last destroyer titans took a stand here and erupted Bloodpeake. THe blood of the slain titans here was used to created the ash giants
  • Cragroc Canyon: Cragroc Canyon was originally carved by Builder and Flowing Titans, During the Titancaso the Builder titans were carved in an underground system of caves and chambers never to be seen again. The flowing Titans here sacrificed themselves to become the water flow at the bottom if Illias Lake the Deepest lake in Morteron and source for the Carverters River. .
  • Shikadon Moutain:The collection of the highest peaks in the blacklins raised By the Builder TItans. The collection of Builder Titans here took their last stand of what is now known as Shikadon, the highest Peak in Morteron The the blood of the slain Titans here was used to create the stone Giants.
  • Oromount: A haven for naturobloods that was crafted by the Living and Builder Titans. Here the Living titans divided themselves and created two races, the Ents as protectors and Loriei as nurturers. FLoating Titans gave the spiriti of the storm to their followers here to create the Zepriens
  • Icelands:The coldest region of morteron. A collection of Floating anf Flowing Tians here expanded he reach of the iceland and altered the climate to keep colder winds. Slain titans here were used to create the frost giants. The remaining Floating Titans beacame the water that frooze and expanded the depth of the icelands Ice,
  • Brokenroot river: Originally the river followed a simple path. However after the creation of the Plateau of the wildlands and expansion of the icelands added additional water into the brokenroot River, the massive dividing of the river was carved by fleeing floating titans escaping to the depths of the sea.
  • Wildlands: This was the last stronghold of Known Titans. As the human came to the last Titan hunt the Builder titans here sacrificed themselves to create a great cliff on the eastern shore of the Easter river. This turned the wildlands into a slanted plateau whose waters would feed into the broken root river. The floating Titans here became the new jetstream that would create a colder climate on wildlands. THe lastly the Living Titans used themselves as source to transform the trees and beast of the wildlands to be better suited for new environments and to protect themselves.


Directly the Titancaso ended with the extiction of the Titans. Hoever it did also lead to the birth of 6 new races, the Cyclops, The giants, the Ents, the Loriei, the Akneids, and The Zephiens


The Titans attempts to protect or escape did create great change in certain speciality environmental regions. The TItacaso resulted in the creation of the volcanic fields of blood peake, and highest peaks of the Blacklins. IT would lead to the depth of ilias lake and the creation of extensive cave formations and formations of the cracgroc canyon. It even lead to the the expansion of the dunelands and alternated them into an arid climate, It also leads to expansion of the icelands which in turned would add additional waters to Morterons 4 great rivers. Lastlythe Titancaso would end with the massive altercation of the wildlands
Start Date
Ending Date
10-27-7 |106c

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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