BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


One of the founding monastic orders of Monkep and located in high peaks of southwestern Autumia. They are based by the Big House and They have devoted themselves to the teachings of Ducalin and Yahra Stronghol. They believed that strong unity rose when everyone played their correct role in a well defined structure. Thus follow a strict code of gender roles defined by tradition and their founders. They are renowned for their skills as builders and craftsmen.   Their insignia is a hammer crossed with a candle. The can also be recognized by their dress. Men commonly wear high waisted pants with suspenders and a button up shirts. Typical they have full beards and some wear fedora. The also wear a colored waist sash that signifies their title. Women wear loose dresses that vary in length. The traditionally have long hair that are commonly done in various braids and updos. The also wear a colored sash or shawl that signifies their titles   Most members live in the Northeast district of Monkep. In fact, most of the members have been born into the Order. However, the order gladly welcomes outsiders if they choose to follow the order's teachings. New members are sent to spend time in the breadhouse (males) or braidhouse (females) to learn the teachings for the unity conduct and to earn their titles.


The order Is founded on the idea of assigned roles to form a unified community. Thus they have a straightforward system for roles to be filled by its members. A member's role is signified by their title. The titles are as follows:
Men Titles
Fighter - These are the men who are talented fighters. They serve as the fighting force and enforcers of the order. Signified by a red waist sash
Builder - These men show skill for engineers. They serve and smiths, constructors, and inventors. Signified by a orange waist sash
Farmer -These men are gifted farmers. They tend to field and livestock. and as butchers. Signified by a green waist sash
Magician - These men are powerful magic users.Typical men are taught more combat focused magic. They serve where magic is needed. Signified by a blue waist sash
Womens Titles
Nurse- These women understand medicine. They serve as doctors. Signified by a gray sash or shawl
Seamtress - These women are skilled craftsmen. They serve as seamstresses, artists and musicians. Signified by a yellow sash or shawl
Maiden -These women excel at caregiving. They serve as cooks and maids. Signified by a pink sash or shawl
Sorceress - These women are skilled Magic users. Typically women learn more applied magics such as wards and enchantments.They serve where magic is needed. Signified by a purple sash or shawl
As per tradition , when a Unities child turns 7 years old they are sent to live in a same sex community house. This practice is to ensure boys and girls learn the uninties definition of their gender role. It also is done to build a strong sense of community among the young. When they turn 13 the children leave the Beard/braid house and are given a title.They then learn the specific skills of their title as an apprentice until they find a partner which they marry and begin a family.


The Uninites are famous for their made crafts and building abilities. They're are also skilled at healing, in particular non-magical techniques of healing. Also among the 7 monk orders of Monkep they seem to have the most unity and sense of community.

Demography and Population

Most of the uninites were born into the community. However outsider can be brought into the comunity. However they most spend time in the braid/beardhouse to learned their role. Majoirity of the members are mages.


The Operate the North east district of Monkep. Their headquarters is known as the Big House. It is an large wood barn house. It serves as a town hall for the Uninite community. It's mostly plain except for the stain glass windows and the two columns on the building facade sculpted in the likeness of the founders.


All the men are expected to be part of the Orders fighting force, However the men with the "Fighter" title carry the main responsibility for protecting. Fighters are in charge of patrolling, enforcing discipline, and to act as guards. The Uninities also developed a fighting style that mostly focuses on boxing and wrestling as they are arts that highlight a man's raw strength. Most of their weapon are also tools, such as hammers, axes, staffs, and knives.


As per tradition , when a Unities child turns 7 years old they are sent to live in a same sex community house. This practice is to ensure boys and girls learn the uninties definition of their gender role. It also is done to build a strong sense of community among the young.
  Boys go to the Beardhouse names as it is where boy "grow their beards". There they learn the uninites teachings to become proper men and form close bond with their fellow brothers. Boys are also physically trained and are exposed to the basics skills for all possible titles. Alot their freed time is spent on competition to prove their strengths. The house is run by teachers that have the title "father".   Girl go to the Braidhouse name as it is where girls learn to braid. There they learn the uninites teachings to become proper women and form close bond with their fellow sisters. Boys are also mentally trained are exposed to the basics skills for all possible titles. The house is run by teachers that have the title "Mother".

Divine Origins

The Uninites were founded by Ducalin and Yahra Stronghol, A couple that had 18 children. Many whose descendants still are with the order, They develop what would become the Uninites philosophy as a way to provide structure and order to their large family. It was mostly successful and they passed it along to their neighbors. However they found that those who choose not to follow their teaching disturbed the true unity they were seeking. Ducalin and Yahra left with their family and follow til they came upon the future site of Monkep.

Tenets of Faith

As stated Uninites have a strict belief of gender roles role in a unified society, Most of these roles are derived on the following statements,
"The Man is Strong and the Man Provides"
"The Woman is Caring and the Woman Nurtures"

  However it is important to note that the Uninites do not believe that one gender is superior to the other. Instead the genders are meant to be compliments to one another in order to best act as a community. To them, their strict gender roles are simply tools to organize the community so everyone knows their roles needed when the time comes. These rules act as a guide to simplify and prevent confusion on what a member is to do with their life.


Uninite ethics are most closely related to following the expected gender roles. Men are expected to maintain physical strength and emotional stability. Traditional men continuously grow and maintain their beards as it stands a symbol of their manhood. Women are expected to maintain emotional awareness and provide care. Traditionally they continuously grow their hair as it stands as a symbol of their womanhood.   If these expected roles aren't followed the judges and hostess council can choose to kick out members from the community. This can occur when a member repeatedly violates the expected roles. It also occurs when members perform and act that greatly disturbs the unity of the community. This includes murder, rape, sexual affairs,sabatage or traitorous acts.


There are 4 higher positions that a member can have beyond their title. they are as follows:
- Father - A title given to men who are fairly capable as a fighter, builder, farmer, and magician. They are tasked with running the Beardhouse,Thus they are responsible for instilling the teachings for the uninite order to boys and prospective members. They also are the ones that determine boys' titles. Signified by a Tan waist sash. It is one of the most respected titles.
- Mother - A title given to women you are fairly capable as a healer, seamstress, maiden, and sorceress. They are tasked with running the Braidhouse, Thus they are responsible for instilling the teachings for the uninite order to girls and prospective members. They also are the ones that determine girls' titles. Signified by a Tan shawl. It is one of the most respected titles.
- Judge These are the Highest ranking men who serve as the leaders in decision making for the order. There are 4 judges, one for each title. Typically Judges are the most talented of their title at a given election. It also is a position that is held for life or until a judge voluntarily steps down. The longest elected judges is known as the High Judge and act with the High Hostess as representative in foreign affairs. Signified by a Black waist sash
- Hostess These are the Highest ranking women who serve as the mediators that resolve the conflicts of the order. There are 4 Hostesses, one for each title. Typically Hostesses are the most talented of their title at a given election. It also is a position that is held for life or until a Hostess voluntarily steps down. The longest elected Hostess is known as the High Hostess and act with the High Judge as representative in foreign affairs. Signified by a White shawl

Unity only in Order

Dulcalin & Yahra
Unity Conduct
Place of Origin:
Monkep Northeast District
  Big House
Social, Brotherhood
Ducalinite (male) or Yahranite (female)

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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