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White Magic

This is the magic sourced to Benevolent intent. Also said to be the magic of good. This magic incapable of harming other and always has a positive effect. Thus all the application this magic either heals, enhances or defends. Thus white magic is very effective in creating ward and charms. It has a a white magic circle. It has Purification, healing, enhancement, sealing, and transformative attributes


White Magic Martyrs maintain their orginal form, but are completely paperwhite with all black eyes. They wander spreading happiness as their mere presense inspire hope to others. They are known toassit individuals with theirbut inspiring hopes, and are famous for giving enlightening dreams to sleeping victims, They seem to be attracted to to weak indivuals. They are known to move in distrubingly calm ways. When destroyed they release a large wave of white magic that purifies the area.  


Basic Level

  • Soothing Touch: A spells that makes the users touched relieve pain
  • Protection: A ward than forms a protective barrier that serves a limited armor
  • - Energize: A spell which will increase energy sources. So it can increase fires, power up electricty, or brighten lights. On living being it increase there energy levels.
  • - Cleansed cloth: An enchantment that cleans textiles and accessories. It can also purfiy then from other magic manipulations.
  • - Soothing cloth: An enchantment that makes an item feeling soth and radiate a calming and soothing effect on those that touch it.
  • - Projected Word: An spell that allows user to send messages
  • - Sweet dream: An spell that relaxes the target to sleep with pleasant dreams. It can be cast on a sleeping target or trigger once a target goes to sleep.
  • - inspiring words: An spell that instill either a sense of hope, motivation, and happiness in target. Usually the feeling a traget received depends on their personality, but with control a caster an choose what feeling a target with receive
  • - Happy Thoughts: An spell that amplifies good thoughts of the target
  • - Unexplained calm: An spell that calms its targets.
  • - Magic Glasses: An seal thatgreatly improved the vision of the target .
  • - Greater hearing: An spell thatgreatly improved the target hearing.
  • - Blunted Edge: An enchant that temporaryily blunts the edges of weapon so they do not cut. Great for sparring
  • - Physical Blessing: An enchant that increase the physical abilty of the target. It can be used to increase streght speed and agility.
  • - Loving Touch: An ward that converts benevolence into a magic powersouce. Thus it allows the caster to use their feelings benevolence toward a target to heal or empower the target. However the strenght of the empowerment is directly related to the feeling of love the caster has for the target

Advance Level

  • - Benevolent Blessing: a barrier that purifies all cuaght within in
  • - GreatLuck: An enchantment that grants temporary good luck to a target. With proper contol and forethought and can force certain desired outcomes.
  • - Possesion protect: A ward that protect the target from possesion or magical influence
  • - Hopeful Wish: A chant that slowly heals all that hears the chant. takesalot of magic contorl to maintain.
  • - Desireable Visions: A spell that induce pleasure driven hallucination on targets. This mean the caster cannot direct what the illusions will be.
    - Focused Magic: A seal that focus a target magic to increase their control or magic power
  • - Adaptive Survival : A ward that allows target survive in specified environment. For an example it can fireproof a target, allow them to breathe underwater, live in void, or reinforce a body that is under stress. It can even we used to help to temporarily overcome a weakness such as a shdais vunerablity to light. However it requires a decent amount of control to maintain.
  • - Unbleeding Wounds :
    a spell that reverses physical wounds. Espically useful for blood loss
    - Rising Senses: An enchant that sharpens the all the targets senses. It cuases increased vision, heightened hearing and touch touch,increased smells and stablizes sense of balence
  • - Mending Bind: A barrier which summons ring the closes with mending or fusing objects. The size, orientation, location and strenght can be be define with magic control
  • - Heroic Inspriation: A barrier of aura which cuases the those cuaght in it to feel a an inexplicable feeling of courage, hope and inpiration . magic control can be used to amifly or focus the effect on certain targets within the barrier. It is extra effective on creatures with animal instinct
  • - Hopeful Gaze: A blessing that is directed with the caster's gaze. on unaware targets it induces a sense of comfort, warmth and feint Auditory affirmations. Once the they become aware the Auditory affirmations become louder and motivate the target . Once eye contact is made the target receives an increase in physical abilties and a significant boost in courage
  • - Whiteforme: Crown: Caster creates a Crown on a target. it greatly increase the targets magic and increase their mental abilties. It aso creates mental protection for target
  • - Nurturing Kiss: Higher form of the Loving Touch ward. It requires a deep love for the target. once placed the ward covers target in a white aura. Once avtivated it gives the target temporary empowerment and protections. The strenght and duration depends on the streght of love the caster has for target. Thus this ward is typical used on lovers, close family or deep friendships. Note: Love does not need to be reciprocated for ward to work.

Sage Level

  • -Enforced Body: a spell to greatly reinforce the body of the target. This increases the strenght, constitution, speed and senses of the target
  • Reinforced Mending: A spell which mends and reinforces target. It only works on solid matter. Usually with enough power time and willpower the spell can restore metal, mend glass, anf reconstruct stones. When used on living being the spell heals physical aliments. With prolonged or focused use can strenghten and renforece a living being beyond their original limits.
  • Impurity Call: a seal which extracts an extact impurity from a target and traps it in a seal. It can be used to expell possesors, toxin, or certain materials
  • - Benevolent Blessings: A spell that requires pure Benevolence. It creates a white mass that releases various assiitng blessings on target if it lands. The stronger the feeling of Benevolence the stronger the blesssings will be. The source of Benevolence also effects the type of blessing realesed. Benevolence sourced from love has some of the strongest effects.
  • - Whiteforme: Blessing: Spell creats white designs that spead and bless or protect the target with a certain effect define by caster. The effect are permant til blessing is removed either by magical means, or by physically detaching it from target. the blessing is soothing to touch by non target being. It is difficult and require great magic control and knowlege ot get a desired blessing.
  • - Whiteforme: Armor: Spell creats white armor that physically protects the target. It alsoo reinforces the targets structure
  • Protectorate Aura : A more advance version as the loving touch that has been reverse to effect the caster. The ward feeds off the casters desire protect their loved one. THe ward manifests this feeling as pure physical power for the caster. It surrounds the Caster in a white smoking aura. and greatly enhances their physical ability, magic output, senses and durability, The duration and power is directly related feelings of love and desire to protect. THe spell typically requires a loved one to be present or/and in danger.


-Holy Ground: A barrier that blessed the ground to create holy ground. This is ground in which certain impurties cannot enter. It also serves as a magic zones for other white magic manipulations. The ritual requires physical markers that define the holy ground baoundaries. It was requires the creation of a Relic that is placed in the center of the holy ground. Once activated the holy remain active unless the relic is removed from the barrier. It can be reactivate once the rellic is returned to the barrier. However if the relic is destroyed then the holy ground will need to be bonded to a new relic,


- Relics: These are objects once used in a holy ground Ritual. it can be any items such as a weapon, stone, sculpture, tools, etc... It could even be a living being. The relic is inscribed with runes that describe what the bonded holy ground banishes, It could be a certain being, material, or magic. The runes also describe the method of banishment. The can physically deny entry, cuase pain to the banished or the relic can even absorb the bansihed materials. Thu materials gain powers based on the banished materials they absorb over time. -Empowering Cloth:  Enchanted textile material that is blessed to protect the wearer and to increase there physical strenght.
- Student Tag:  Enchanted tag with runes that is placed on a target. It helps to improve there magic control.
-Wishmaker: A talisman that has been blessed by the life goddess. Usually in the form of a ornate wand. THey allow the user to grant moree powerful blessing. Can be summoned by inheritors of the Lening bloodline [b-]Golden Mariposa: A legendary talisman in the form of a carved golden butterfly centered around silver gem that gold at it center. It is the vessel for a spirit named Bonavilla and is an item that is passed down to the Heiress of Rose. The Talisman greatly amplifies the magic of the inheritor and brings them luck, fortune and happiness. Once its in herotr dies the mariposa flies and chooses the next successor.


When When magic manipulations are performed a white magic circle appears


Famous Bloodlines

  • Jacobi -Desendants of Castor Jacobi, black and white mage. He came from two royal bloodlines allowing him to master powerful combination of white and black magic. Inheritors of this bloodline can acess he Castorillan, a CAstor Jacobis personal magika. Their house has come to rival that of House Gregori
  • Kuren -Desendants of Seitong Kuren, a white demigod angel. A family also known as the Silk Cranes. Noted by their large bright white wing They serve a leaders on the island Kinu No in the Esterelles. Famous for their beautiful silks and powerful white magic.
  • Lening - Decendants of Stan Lening, a white demigod whitehorn artisha. They are noteded by their white fur and hair. Known to be skilled at creating blessings and healing. Inheritors for this bloodline can acess Lening Notes and can summon the Wishmaker a talisman blessed by the life goddess and can grant powerful blessings
  • Leninora - Decendants of Devonna Leniora, a white demigod gargolye. Founder of the Church of High Moutain. Devoted wariors againts corruption

Magic Overview

White Magic CIrcle by Israel Rodriguez
Daineni: Goddess of White Magic
Magic Circle:
Conduit Form
Purifcation Ring that purifies a beings of forign influence
Demon, death
life, Enchantment, Mind
Water, crystal, natural
Magic Zones:
Holy ground
Enhancing Events:
Full moon
Magically Proficient Races:
Mages, Angels Artisha Uroges, Kirakai, Psyreni, Angels, Wodalf, Nergias

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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