"Nine Lives Stealer" Item in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

"Nine Lives Stealer"

A magical rapier with emmaculate craftsmanship. Forged by famed dwarven blacksmith Felicior Ironhand after his exile from Boulderdust and embued with some form of sentience through an unknown process, this sword straddles the line between hearty dwarven craftsmanship and delicate elven smithing.
  The sword's long, flat blade belies the nimbleness provided by its light weight due to the deep fuller running down its length. A basket hilt with intricate metalwork protect the entirety of the wielder's hand from opponent's strikes. The pommel is crafted from a massive, magically-infused pearl inlaid with the sigil of the Ironhand clan, marking it as one of Felicior Ironhand's great works.


  • Forged by Felicior Ironhand after he emmigrated from Boulderdust and took on the role of royal blacksmith for a high elven kingdom on the surface of Faerun.
  • Lost during the destruction of the high elven kingdom and its subsequent submersion into the swamp which would eventually become Undrieg 's Domain.
  • Discovered by the adventurer Darnath in the hoard of Undrieg  after the black dragon's demise.
Item type
2.5 lbs
50" long