3/20 - Lore, Loot, and... Luirlan?

General Summary

Party spent a few days in Qadis resting and researching. Sylvie asked around town about the necromancer they looted the map and bell off of.
He stayed in Qadis for a few days and resupplied before heading out on foot.
His projected path was Northeast along the coast of the Silent Sea.
According to the innkeeper, his name was Elric.   Duo dove into the newly reopened library of Qadis in search of info about The Mockery.
Any notable extra-planar visitors mentioned in the log books, specifically from Eberron? No, not really. Many extra-planar visitors (djinn, devils, etc.) and a few recorded Warforged, but none were super noteworthy.
Any mention of The Mockery or A Mockery of Life? Not by name, though pouring over ancient log books of travelers did reveal a group of monks of Helm who fled to Qadis from the South after "their temple and grounds were spoiled" by some dark ritual.   Duo closely scrutinizes the enchanted bells and the maps.
Maps are of various mundane parchment. Nothing notable enough to be useful.
Bells are similarly mundane.
The wooden handle of one bell has a very familiar wood grain. Duo recalled the 'Mushy Trees' encounter (in which rogue, evil, awakened trees of a foreign species were found sapping the life force from the area north of Tradefront). According to Navarre the druid in Tradefront, this species of tree is native only to the areas farther South of Tradefront and of Undreig's domain.   Party contacted all their extended group of contacts with this information in order to sus out any additional information about this Temple of Helm to the South.
Wroza & Bendar: Too young to be of any use, also not from the area.
Fenbi: Knows of the area mentioned (an area spoiled by dark magic), but not of any specific temple. Also willing to help craft some magical item to hone in on the exact location.
Captain Jarvis & the TF crew: All too young of be of any use. Jumoke was told spooky stories when he was younger by his clanmates, stories about a "fouled land to the South that must never be traveled."
Aliester: Younger than the fouling of the area, but very aware of it through stern warnings from his parents about avoiding the lands to the South. The lands were fouled prior to Aliester's turning undead, as well as prior to Undreig staking claim to his current domain.  

Party left Qadis towards Fenbi's Spire.

Got jumped two days out from Qadis.
Darnath recognized a familiar sulfurous smell from two prior outriding incidents in the desert.
Group accosted by two Orthons, fiendish henchmen and bounty hunters for lords of the Nine Hells.
Combat combat combat...
The Orthons, defeated, explode into sulfurous clouds.
Dropped from one Orthon was a scroll written in Infernal, which the party cannot read.   Party continued to Fenbi's Spire.
Party greeted Fenbi in her floating sanctum.
She's disheveled and the place is a mess, she's been researching hard for the past several days.
The room is full of countless dogeared tomes, a full conspiracy cork board, and A Mockery of Life in a glass cloche at the center of the room.   Fenbi takes a moment to translate the Orthon scroll for the party:
It's a rap sheet and bounty of Luirlan, the Summer Eladrin first met wandering The Cursed Expanse in search of a worthy foe to test his mettle.
He's been up to some bullshit in the Nine Hells trying to find a worthy foe.
His 'crimes' include, but are not limited to:
  • Breaking and entering (x3)
  • Destruction of devil bodyguards
  • Uncouth behavior in the presence of a Lord of the Nine Hells
  • Requesting a duel through improper procedure
  • Besting a Lord of the Nine Hells in martial combat
  Fenbi helps the party craft a simple magic item using the enchanted bell with the special wooden handle. This item will help orient the party to the direction of the Temple of Helm (theoretically) once they're in the area.   Fenbi escort's the party to Skagi via teleportation, then peaces out and goes back to researching.

The party arrives Skagi

Talks to Wroza and Bendar about their research into the Sundering of Skagi magics.
They've hit a brick wall on discovering what, exactly, caused the Sundering.
However, they have been able to use the latent magical enchantment from the doorways to craft a magic item: Kuliak's Blade   The party prepares to trek South, through Undreig's domain, in order to find the spoiled Temple of Helm.

Rewards Granted

  • 2360 EXP/PC for defeating the Orthon huntsmen
Mostly Faerun
Report Date
20 Mar 2023