4/10 - Ghosty Boys & Gnollish Dudes

General Summary

Party continued their trek to the spoiled Temple of Helm. Party investigated the lower plaza behind the first gate.
Signs of Gnoll habitation.
Grave stones for visiting adherents to Helm.   Party continued up to the next gatehouse.
Gramlek & Sylvie investigated and opened the gate.
Gramlek ran ahead.
Gramlek got ghosted.   Party engaged in combat with specters of fallen knights of Helm, protectors of the temple.
Combat, combat, combat.
Lots of heavy AOE damage to the specters.   Party continued forward, discovering another pack of Gnolls huddled in the remains of a bunkhouse.
Combat, combat, combat.
More heavy AOE damage.
Some minor chasing of the Gnoll necromancer in charge.   Party investigated the area at the top of the plateau.
Lower path (likely leading to a basement, storage area, or the foundation of the temple), impassible due to collapsed stones from the cliffs above.
Barred iron leading into the Temple of Helm proper.
Inside of the temple, specters dressed in clerical robes go about their business, seemingly oblivious to their deaths hundreds of years ago.
The insides of the temple are mostly destroyed. Pews, shelves, chairs, and tables all smashed up, overturned, and decayed from time.
The foliage near-to the temple and growing inside is even more mushy and degraded than the surrounding area.   Party pressed on into the soiled Temple of Helm.

Rewards Granted

  • 1110 EXP/PC
Mostly Faerun
Report Date
10 Apr 2023