Crafting in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil


General Rules
  • Crafter must have appropriate tools proficiencies.
  • Crafter must have access to appropriate crafting tools and supplies (e.g. smithing requires a forge, smith's tools, fire, etc.).
  • Crafter must have appropriate materials worth 1/2 of the completed item's value.
  • For each Watch Action (4 hours) the crafter spends working, they make 5gp worth of progress towards the completed item's value.
  • Multiple crafters can contribute to the crafting of a single item:
    • If multiple crafters have an appropriate tool proficiency, the crafting time can be divided among themselves. (e.g. 3 qualified crafters may each perform 1/3 of the crafting.)
    • If multiple crafters in total satisfy all crafting requirements, but no single crafter does, the crafters with an appropriate tool proficiency must divide the total crafting time among themselves and the crafters without the tool requirements must divide an additional 1/2 the total crafting time among themselves. (e.g. 2 qualified crafters may each perform 1/2 of the crafting, with a third unqualified crafter contributing an additional 1/2 of the crafting.)
  • Specialized or magical equipment, tools, and supplies can potentially increase the speed at which crafting projects are completed or reduce the material cost required.
  • Crafted items can be sold for their full value, assuming they are in new or like-new condition.

Mundane Items
Mundane Items are those which are of a non-magical nature. Weapons, armor, tools, and other items including poisons that do not have magical effects are all mundane. These items have no special crafting rules, and use the basic rules as mentioned above.
  Example Mundane Items:
  • Amulet (5gp): Requires 2gp5sp of raw materials (wood, metal, etc.), 1 Watch Action (4 hours) of effort.
  • Chain Shirt (50gp): Requires 25gp of raw materials (cloth, leather, metal, etc.), 10 Watch Actions (5 days) of effort.
  • Essence of Ether (300gp): Requires 150gp of raw materials, 60 Watch Actions (30 days) of effort.

Simple Magic Items
  • Crafter must have some magical ability in order to imbue the completed item with magic.
  • Consumable magic items (scrolls, potions, etc.) require 1/2 the time and raw materials.
  • As the cost of magic items is rarely explicitly defined within the rules, crafting magic items uses the following values for cost, materials, and work based on rarity:
    • Common: 50gp cost; 25gp materials; 5gp work/Watch.
    • Uncommon: 200gp cost; 100gp materials; 10gp progress/Watch.
    • Rare: 2,000gp cost; 1,000gp materials; 20gp progress/Watch.
    • Very Rare: 20,000gp cost; 10,000gp materials; 80gp progress/Watch.
    • Legendary: 100,000gp cost; 50,000gp materials; 200gp progress/Watch.
Simple Magic Items are those which can be boiled down to "a mundane item but with a little bit of magic on it." Things like most potions, +1 weapons, +1 armor, and the like are simple in that they don't have extra effects.
  Example Simple Magic Items:
  • Potion of Healing (50gp): Requires 12gp5sp of raw materials, 3 Watch Actions (1.5 days) of effort.
  • +1 Chainmail (2,000gp): Requires 1,000gp of raw materials, 50 Watch Actions (25 days) of effort.
Rarity Base Price Cost / Time Cost / Time (Consumable)
Common 50gp 25gp / 5wa 12.5gp / 3wa
Uncommon 200gp 100gp / 10wa 50gp / 5wa
Rare 2,000gp 1,000gp / 50wa 500gp / 25wa
Very Rare 20,000gp 10,000gp / 125wa 5,000gp / 63wa
Legendary 100,000gp 50,000gp / 250wa 25,000gp / 125wa

Fancy Magic Items
  • Crafter must know of said item or have a concrete desire to create a new functional item. (DMG/PHB contents are suggestions only, so should be used more as a framework for rarity/functionality than as a sales catalog.)
  • Crafter must have access to a document detailing the construction of the magical item OR crafter must be a caster with access to appropriate spell(s) for the item OR crafter must spend a significant amount of time researching, testing, and planning for a new item's construction.
  • Crafter must have unique, magical materials and reagents suitable for the item's construction, equivalent to 1/2 the item's total materials cost.
  • The mundane materials requirement in the General Rules section is halved to account for the magical materials.
  • If reasonable, a non-magical portion of the magic item can be constructed prior to the acquisition of the necessary magical components.
Fancy Magic Items are those which exceed the definition of Simple Magical Items, such as mythic or outwardly magical effects. Things like flaming swords, soul-sucking tridents, armor with fire immunity, and the like are fancy in that their outward magic exceeds that of a simple item. The majority of the magic items listed in the DMG/PHB are likely considered fancy.
  The unique, magical materials and reagents necessary for the creation of this type of magical item are determined on a per-item basis. The crafter(s) and DM should come to an agreement on appropriate magical materials thematically in line with the item's intended function and scope. Obtaining these magical materials will likely require the calling in of favors from friendly NPCs, the navigation of complex bartering situations, or the execution of a side-quest.
  Example Fancy Magic Items:
  • Dragon Scale Mail (20,000gp): Requires 5,000gp of raw materials, 125 Watch Actions (62.5 days) of effort, a number of intact scales from an adult dragon of the corresponding color.
  • Blood Spear (200gp): Requires 50gp raw materials, 10 Watch Actions (5 days) of effort, the fangs of a vampire.
  • Rod of the Pact Keeper, Hexblade (200gp): Requires 50gp raw materials, 10 Watch Actions (5 days) of effort, the heart of a beast native to the Shadowfell.
  • Boots of Elvenkind (200gp): Requires 50gp raw materials, 10 Watch Actions (5 days) of effort, exquisite cloth woven from the fur of an owlbear.
  • Cloak of Elvenkind (200gp): Requires 50gp raw materials, 10 Watch Actions (5 days) of effort, exquisite cloth woven from the fur of a quaggoth.
  • Cloak of the Bat (2,000gp): Requires 500gp raw materials, 5 Watch Actions (25 days) of effort, 500gp worth of hides from dire bats, dire stirges, and werebats.

Upgrading Magic Items
Simple magic items may be upgraded to a higher tier (+1 to +2, etc.) according to the following rules:
  • Material cost of lower-tier item is credited towards the higher-tier item. (e.g. 100gp credited from Uncommon to Rare, totaling 900gp required.)
  • Crafting time of lower-tier item is credited towards the higher-tier item. (e.g. 10 Watch Actions credited from Uncommon to Rare, totaling 40 Watch Actions required.)
  • The item being upgraded cannot be used once the crafting has begun.

Spell Scrolls
  • Scribing a spell scroll requires the following:
    • Scribing materials equivalent to the spell's level (see below).
    • All material components required to cast the spell.
    • Proficiency in the Arcana skill.
    • Ability to cast the spell.
  • Spell scrolls are mapped onto Rarities by level.
  • Spell scrolls are crafted along the Simple Magic Items rules for consumables.
Level Rarity DC Bonus Material Cost Time
Cantrip Common 13 +5 12.5gp 3wa (1.5 days)
1st Common 13 +5 12.5gp 3wa (1.5 days)
2nd Uncommon 13 +5 50gp 5wa (2.5 days)
3rd Uncommon 15 +7 50gp 5wa (2.5 days)
4th Rare 15 +7 500gp 25wa (12.5 days)
5th Rare 17 +9 500gp 25wa (12.5 days)
6th Very Rare 17 +9 5,000gp 63wa (31.5 days)
7th Very Rare 18 +10 5,000gp 63wa (31.5 days)
8th Very Rare 18 +10 5,000gp 63wa (31.5 days)
9th Legendary 19 +11 25,000gp 125wa (62.5 days)