Crafting Recipes in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Crafting Recipes

Notes on Recipes

Below are a list of potential recipes and their corresponding crafting times and costs. This is not a 'rulebook' or an in-world factual document stating that these are the only way to craft certain magical items. These also aren't necessarily known to any of the Characters, and should be used purely by the Players to establish a better understanding of how much items cost to craft and what, if any, special reagents might be necessary for use in that crafting.  

Notes on Reagents

Special magical reagents always need to make up at least 1/2 of the item's total crafting cost, with the rest of that crafting cost being made up of mundane crafting materials. In the event that a magical reagent is replaced by the casting of certain magical spells, the entire crafting cost must be made up of mundane crafting materials.  


Bag of Holding

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Weaver's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Phase Spider Silk

All-Purpose Tools (+1)

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Tinker's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Other-Worldly Gears, Cogs, and Springs

Goggles of Night

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Tinker's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Pristine Eyes of a Shadowfell Creature or Purpose-Blown Glass Orbs crafted in the Shadowfell

Pearl of Power

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Alchemist's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Pristine, Fist-Sized Pearl from a Giant Shelled Mollusk

Potion of Growthh

Crafting Time: 5 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Alchemist's Tools
Crafting Cost: 50gp
Special Reagent(s): 1L Blood from a creature able to innately cast 'Enlarge'
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Enlarge/Reduce once per Watch Action while crafting

Ring of Swimming

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Jeweler's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Water Weird essence or Water Elemental essence
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Control Water once per Watch Action while crafting

Ring of Water Walking

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Jeweler's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Essence of a creature that can naturally hover or levitate
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Water Walk once per Watch Action while crafting

Rope of Climbing

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Alchemist's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Carrion Crawler tentacle
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Rope Trick once per Watch Action while crafting

Bag of Bounty

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Weaver's Tools
Crafting Cost: :100gp
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Create Food and water once per Watch Action while crafting

Ring of Protection

Crafting Time: 50 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Jeweler's Tools
Crafting Cost: 1,000gp

Cloak of Displacement

Crafting Time: 50 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Weaver's Tools, Leatherworker's Tools
Crafting Cost: 1,000gp
Special Reagent(s): Displacer Beast hide/fur
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Mirror Image once per Watch Action while crafting

+2 Shield

Crafting Time: 50 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Smith's Tools
Crafting Cost: 1,000gp

Wand of Lightning Bolts

Crafting Time: 50 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Woodcarver's Tools
Crafting Cost: 1,000gp
Special Reagent(s): Horn of a Young Blue Dragon.
Reagent Alternative(s): Casting of Lightning Bolt once per Watch Action while crafting

+1 Chainmail

Crafting Time: 50 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Smith's Tools
Crafting Cost: 1,000gp

Potion of Healing

Crafting Time: 3 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Herbalist's Tools
Crafting Cost: 12gp 5sp

Dragon Scale Mail

Crafting Time: 125 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Smith's Tools
Crafting Cost: 10,000gp
Special Reagent(s): Intact scales from an Adult Dragon

Blood Spear

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Smith's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Fangs of a Vampire

Rod of the Pact Keeper - Hexblade

Crafting Time: 10 Watch Actions
Crafting Tool(s): Woodcarver's Tools, Alchemist's Tools
Crafting Cost: 100gp
Special Reagent(s): Heart of a creature native to the Shadowfell

Item Name

Crafting Time: xx
Crafting Tool(s): xx
Crafting Cost: xx
Special Reagent(s): xx
Reagent Alternative(s): xx