Lingering Injuries in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Lingering Injuries

  • Going Down, Getting Crit, Crit Failing a Save vs Damage -> Con Save or suffer a Lingering Injury. DC equal to 1/2 Damage.
  • Lingering Injury: Roll d20 on the table for damage type.
    • 15-20: Scar or other non-mechanical effects. (30%)
    • 10-14: Minor injury (25%)
    • 6-9: Major injury (20%)
    • 2-5: Severe injury (20%)
    • 1: Critical injury (5%)
While blows that would be fatal to a normal civilian don't outright kill a hearty adventurer, that doesn't mean they aren't devastating. Being blasted with a Fireball so hard that you go unconscious is likely to have a few side effects other than singed clothes.   When characters in Mostly Faerun are knocked unconscious (reach 0 HP), receive a Critical Hit, or Critically Fail a Saving Throw against Damage, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC of the saving throw is equal to one half of the damage received, and on a failure the character receives a Lingering Injury. The type of Lingering Injury depends on a d20 roll and the type of damage causing the character to be knocked unconscious. Consult the tables below for the effects of a Lingering Injury.  

Acid Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Blinded Blinded condition. Magical Regeneration
2-5 Partially Blinded Disadvantage on: Wis (Perception) using Sight; Ranged Attack Rolls. Magical Regeneration
6-9 Neuralgia Disadvantage: Str (Athletics) Checks; Dex (Acrobatics) Checks Actions must succeed DC 10 Con Save or fail. 3 Long Rests
10-14 Disfigurement Disadvantage: Cha (Persuasion) Checks Advantage: Cha (Intimidation) Checks Magical Regeneration
15-20 Scarring Noticeable scarring, no mechanical effects. Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 20 Medicine Checks

Bludgeoning / Force / Thunder Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Brain Injury Disadvantage: Int Checks and Saves; Wis Checks and Saves Magical Regeneration
2-5 Broken Bone 50/50 Arm or Leg
Leg: Speed is Halved. Disadvantage: Dex Checks and Saves
Arm: Can only use one hand. (No dual wield, no 2H, etc.)
Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 20 Medicine Checks
6-9 Internal Injury Actions must succeed DC 10 Con Save or fail. Magical Regeneration; 2 Long Rest with DC 15 Medicine Check
10-14 Concussion Disadvantage: Int Checks, Wis Checks, Concentration Checks 1 Long Rest
15-20 Broken Nose Noticeable break, no mechanical effects. 1 Long Rest with DC 15 Medicine Check

Cold Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Systemic Damage Disadvantage: Str Checks and Saves; Dex Checks and Saves; Con Checks and Saves Magical Recovery
2-5 Frostbite 50/50 Hand or Foot
Foot: Speed is Halved. Disadvantage: Dex Checks and Saves
Hand: Can only use one hand. (No dual wield, no 2H, etc.)
Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 20 Medicine Checks
6-9 Neuralgia Disadvantage: Str (Athletics) Checks; Dex (Acrobatics) Checks
Actions must succeed DC 10 Con Save or fail.
3 Long Rests
10-14 Hypothermia Disadvantage: Dex Checks
Weakness to Cold damage.
Magical Healing; 1 Short Rest
15-20 Anosmia Automatically fail any Wis (Perception) using Smell. 1 Long Rest with DC 15 Medicine Check

Fire / Lightning Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Blindness Blinded condition. Magical Regeneration
2-5 Severe Burn Disadvantage: All Ability Checks; Str, Dex Saves
(If already burnt, DC 15 Con Save or Die.)
Magical Regeneration
6-9 Major Burn Disadvantage: Str, Dex Saves
(If already burnt, Stunned for one turn.)
Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks
10-14 Blistering Disadvantage: Dex Checks Magical Healing; 1 Long Rest with DC 10 Medicine Check
15-20 Disfigurement Noticeable scarring, no mechanical effects. Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks

Necrotic Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Soul Wound Disadvantage: Int Checks and Saves; Wis Checks and Saves; Cha Checks and Saves Magical Regeneration
2-5 Withering 50/50 Arm or Leg
Leg: Speed is Halved. Disadvantage: Dex Checks and Saves
Arm: Can only use one hand. (No dual wield, no 2H, etc.)
Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 20 Medicine Checks
6-9 Organ Necrosis Actions must succeed DC 10 Con Save or fail. Magical Regeneration; 2 Long Rests with DC 10 Medicine Checks
10-14 Festering Wound HP Max -1 every 24 hours.
Disadvantage: Cha (Persuasion) Checks
Magical Healing; 1 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks
15-20 Visage of Death Become noticeably pale and gaunt, no mechanical effects. Magical Regeneration

Piercing Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Destroyed Eye Disadvantage: Wis (Perception) Checks using Sight; Ranged Attack Rolls Magical Regeneration
2-5 Fractured Pelvis Speed is Halved. Cannot use the Dash action. Magical Regeneration
6-9 Punctured Stomach After Short Rest, DC 10 Con Save or Poisoned for 24 hours. Magical Regeneration; 1 Long Rest with DC 15 Medicine Check
10-14 Festering Wound HP Max -1 every 24 hours.
Disadvantage: Cha (Persuasion) Checks
Magical Healing; 1 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks
15-20 Disfigurement Noticeable scarring, no mechanical effects. Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks

Poison Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Toxic Shock Disadvantage: Str Checks and Saves; Dex Checks and Saves; Con Checks and Saves Magical Regeneration
2-5 Heart Damage +1 Exhaustion; Does not recover naturally. Magical Regeneration
6-9 Liver Damage After Short Rest, DC 10 Con Save or Poisoned for 24 hours.
Poison Damage deals 1d6 extra per hit.
Magical Regeneration; 1 Long Rest with DC 15 Medicine Check
10-14 Vertigo Disadvantage: Dex Checks and Saves Magical Healing; 1 Long Rest
15-20 Nausea Disadvantage: Con Checks and Saves Magical Healing; 1 Short Rest

Psychic Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Indefinite Madness Roll on Indefinite Madness table. See table
2-5 Long-Term Madness Roll on Long-term Madness table. See table
6-9 Phobia Gain phobia of attacker.
Disadvantage: All Checks and Saves in presence of phobia.
3 Long Rests with DC 15 Wisdom Save
10-14 Short-Term Madness Roll on Short-term Madness table. See table
15-20 Volume Control You cannot control the volume of your voice. Magical Healing; 1 Long Rest

Radiant Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Blinded Blinded condition. Magical Regeneration
2-5 Major Burn Disadvantage: Str, Dex Saves
(If already burnt, Stunned for one turn.)
Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks
6-9 Blistering Disadvantage: Dex Checks Magical Healing; 1 Long Rest with DC 10 Medicine Check
10-14 Uncontrollable Weeping DC 15 Wis Save or cannot Rest. 1 Short Rest
15-20 Cosmetic Damage Hair loss/greying, skin spots, etc. No mechanical effect. Magical Regeneration

Slashing Damage

1d20 Injury Effect Recovery
1 Partially Blinded Disadvantage on: Wis (Perception) using Sight; Ranged Attack Rolls. Magical Recovery
2-5 Sever 50/50 Hand or Foot
Foot: Speed is Halved. Disadvantage: Dex Checks and Saves
Hand: Can only use one hand. (No dual wield, no 2H, etc.)
Magical Regeneration
6-9 Bleeding Wound HP Max -1 every 24 hours. Magical Healing; 1 Long Rests with DC 15 Medicine Checks
10-14 Major Disfigurement Disadvantage: Cha (Persuasion) Checks Advantage: Cha (Intimidation) Checks Magical Regeneration
15-20 Minor Disfigurement Noticeable scarring, no mechanical effects. Magical Regeneration; 3 Long Rests with DC 20 Medicine Checks