Order of the Unnamed Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Order of the Unnamed

The Order of the Unnamed is an enigmatic, headless organization throughout Faerun which offers those seeking a different path a chance at starting over. Those inducted into The Order are often criminals, banished nobles, or those otherwise seeking anonymity. To be inducted into The Order, potential-monks must forego all worldly possessions, including names, titles, and ranks they may have held in their former life, in exchange for a life of asceticism and physical training with their fellow monks.

Tenets of Faith

  • Moral Balance: Brothers of the Order of the Unnamed are tasked with balancing the scales of justice towards neutrality wherever possible.
  • Physical Prowess: Brothers of the Order of the Unnamed constantly train their bodies to the point of failure, leaving them physically powerful and spiritually fulfilled.
  • Asceticism: Brothers of the Order of the Unnamed give up all worldly possessions when they join, donating any rewards or gifts they receive to causes that align with the order's tenets.
Alternative Names
The Order, The Unnamed, The Brother Monks
Brother Monk