Overland Travel in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Overland Travel

Watch Units
Each day is broken into six watch units equivalent to 4 hours each. The overland movement of the party is calculated in terms of watch units.   Watch Actions
During each watch unit of overland travel, the party can perform one of the following watch actions.
  • Travel: The party moves up to the product of their travel pace and the terrain modifier.
    • Navigation: If the party is not following a trail the party's leader needs to roll a Wisdom (Survival) check against the Navigation DC listed for the terrain type. On a success the party move at full speed through the terrain. On a failure the party makes no meaningful progress (getting lost, backtracking, etc.).
    • Tracking: If the party is following a creature's trail the party's leader needs to roll a Wisdom (Survival) check against the creature they are following (DC dependent upon creature type, count, speed, type of terrain, age of tracks, etc.). On a success the party move at full speed through the terrain. On a failure the party makes no meaningful progress (getting lost, backtracking, etc.). 
  • Rest: The party makes camp and spends time resting and recovering. To receive the benefits of a Short Rest a character must have 2 resting watch units in a single day.
  • Activity: The party stays in and around the same area, working on non-travel and non-rest activities for the watch unit. Each adventurer can perform a different activity type during this watch action, engage in some combat or encounter, or do nothing.
    • Foraging: Foraging characters can roll a Wisdom (Survival) test on the Forage DC for the type of terrain. On a success, the forager finds 1 unit of food/water. For each 2 points above the DC, the forager finds another 1 unit of food/water. Each medium creature requires 1 unit of food/water per day in order to benefit from resting.
    • Scouting: Scouting characters can roll a Wisdom (Survival) or Wisdom (Perception) test on the Navigation DC for the type of terrain. On a success, the party can roll their Navigation check during the next Travel action as though the terrain had a road or pathway (DC 10).
    • Outriding: Outriding characters can roll a Wisdom (Perception) test on a DC 15. On a success, the outrider rolls twice on the encounter table and can 'lock in' an encounter for the party to engage with on the next watch action.
  Travel Pace
During each travel watch, the party selects a pace to travel at.
Pace Speed Stealth Navigation/Tracking Encounters
Explore 6 mi N/A Advantage All x2
Slow 8 mi Optional Advantage Combat x1/2
Normal 12 mi N/A Normal All x1
Fast 18 mi N/A Disadvantage All x1
Terrain Modifiers
Certain terrain is more suitable for travel, or survival in general. Moving across terrain changes the speed of travel, the ease of navigation, and the availability of resources. Terrain is assumed to have only natural trails and worn paths, making navigation difficult. If the terrain has a major causeway or paved road, the Navigation DC is reduced to 10.
Terrain Speed Mod Navigation DC Tracking DC Forage DC
Grassland x1 12 +0 12
Woods x1 14 +2 14
Jungle x1/2 16 +4 14
Desert x1/2 12 +2 20
Swamp x1/2 16 +4 16
Tundra x1/2 14 +2 18
Mountain x1/4 16 +4 18
Hex Map
Each hex tile of the overland travel map is roughly 24 miles, meaning that generally a single tile can be traversed per day of travel.