Realistic Rest in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Realistic Rest

  • Short Rest: 8 Hours; 1 / Day; HP += Lvl + Con Mod; Can Expend Hit Dice
  • Long Rest: 3 Days; 1 / Week; HP = Max; Recover 1/2 Hit Dice
  • Shelter, Food, & Clean Water Required.
  • No strenuous activity.
Heroes are fantastically powerful adventurers that brave unknowns that would kill normal mortals, but that doesn't mean they're immortal. Heroes need rest too.   In Mostly Faerun, for adventurers to receive the benefits of resting they must rest and recover. A Short Rest requires 8 continuous hours of light activity, rest, and relaxation, but provides the adventurer with healing equivalent to their Level plus their Constitution Modifier. A Long Rest requires 3 days of light activity, rest, and relaxation, but heals an adventurer to their maximum health. For any rest to be beneficial, adventurers must have access to shelter, food, and clean water.   During rest time, adventurers don't have to sleep the entire time. They can spend their resting hours working on side projects and downtime activities, performing Skill Checks, or meditating, anything as long as they do not do anything requiring heavy physical or mental exertion.