The City Garrison

The City Garrison is a force of variable size. Whilst maintaining a small core of soldiers who patrol the walls, the force is ordinarily levied from the ordinary citizenry of the city in times of war. The exact legal character of the garrison is disputed and there is no founding document for the garrison, other than that the Grandmaster of the Order of the Quartered Rose is ‘responsible for the general defence of the Grand City of Pax as they see fit’. This vagueness has meant that there is an enormous amount of jurisdictional friction between them and the Constabulary who also exist to protect and serve the city, and who, in times of war, may also bear arms. Often, the exact activities of the garrison depend on the prevailing attitude of what the general defence of the city requires.   As a general rule – the City Garrison looks to defend the city from threats from without, and whilst they have powers of arrest, they are required to turn over any prisoners to the Constabulary, except in times of martial law. However, there have been a number of times when the garrison has been given orders to arrest people and bring them to the King’s dungeons, despite the Chief Constable’s protestations.


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