The Honourable Guild of Licensed Victuallers

The guild of pub landlords and landladies. All pubs and inns in the city must be licensed guild members in order to operate within the city. The Honourable Guild of Licensed Victuallers has two main interests: alcohol pricing and the List of Dishonourable Characters.   The guild is entirely against any forms of alcohol duties and taxation and is frequently exasperated by taxes imposed to fund crown expenses. Whilst the guild seldom gets its way, one notable riot in the city which the guild was rumoured to have started in response to exorbitant beer prices has led to subsequent monarchs taking them at least somewhat seriously.   The List of Dishonourable Characters is a semi-centralised list kept by all of the city’s pubs and bars. The idea is that if you are barred from one, you are barred from them all. In practice, some pubs themselves have such poor reputations that others may choose to disregard any ban if a good enough excuse is offered ‘He started it! And here's 5 shillings!’. Nonetheless, adventurers should be wary about starting trouble in the city’s drinking establishments. Bans range anything from two weeks to a lifetime.


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