The Illustrious Guild of Escorts

Representing a wide variety of night-time companions to cater to the loneliness of the high and low alike, the Illustrious Guild of Escorts is secretive, and yet influential. Existing to provide a pension for those who have ceased working, to provide homes if needed for children born to those in the trade, as well as protection for those who provide services of a personal variety, the Guild is a lifesaver for many. Due to the diverse nature of their clientele, and the unparalleled level of access granted to guildmembers, in addition to the varied its varied reception amongst those who either agree or disagree with the nature of its work, the Illustrious Guild of Escorts has a reputation for knowing a great many secrets. Whilst discretion is ordinarily a part of their code, when guildmembers are wronged, or when sufficient coin is paid, certain things can be let slip.


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