The Ingenious Guild of Tinkerers

The Tinkerers are the engineer’s guild of Pax. Boasting disproportionate Gnomish membership, the guild of Tinkerers are a continual source of clockwork wonders. From great trebuchets and ballistae to fireworks and goggles of scrying, the Guild of Tinkerers produces a great many things of military application, as well as wonderment and curiosity.   Because of the guild’s large Gnomish membership, the guild is also a strong advocate for the place of Gnomes within Eletherian society. As Gnomes have lost influence within society, the Guild of Tinkerers has exerted its influence by charging more for its services, as well as withholding its greatest inventions. It is now a very rare thing for the Guild of Tinkerers to provide the King of Eletheria with any kind of black powder bombard to assist in a siege. A great many of the greatest Gnomish engineers have chosen to make new lives in Dwarven holds, seeing the dream of an equal future in Eletheria fading.


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