The Order of the Aegis

Headed by Grandmaster Nigel Roylance, liveried in blue and red and carrying the sigil of a shield and fortress, the Order of the Aegis is the oldest knightly order of Eletheria, predating the nation itself. Forged in the Great War of Emancipation, the first warriors of the order conducted daring raids against their Elven oppressors to liberate those who were still bearing the yoke of slavery. Despite being poorly equipped with stolen and improvised weapons, and suffering enormous casualties, the Order of the Aegis was instrumental in ensuring the slave revolt was a success. The blue of the order’s livery stands for the hope of the sea, whilst the red stands for the blood price paid for freedom.   The Order of the Aegis is venerable and well-respected by the people of Eletheria, but not always by its monarchs. Because of the continuing practice of enslavement by the High Elves over the sea, and the threat of Brown Elves, Snow Elves and Deep Elves closer to home, the Order of the Aegis has vowed that it will never rest until all people are safe from Elven dominion. Whilst publicly voicing words of bare toleration for the Blue Elves who live within Eletheria, few are convinced that the Order of the Aegis is in any way committed to an Elven future in Eletheria. Two things are true – the Order of the Aegis is always there whenever the kingdom is threatened from within or without; the Order of the Aegis is always there when armed mobs have dragged Elves from their homes. To many people, Gnomes, Humans, Halfling, and Orc alike, the Order of the Aegis are heroes who do what other people are too weak to do – having been headed by Roylances for centuries, it is hardly surprising that in times of deep crisis, a Roylance finds their way to the throne.   The Order of the Aegis keeps its full list of members secret, though many chapters of the order can be found throughout the kingdom, as well as abroad. As comfortable fighting in plate armour atop a horse as in dark cloaks fighting Brown Elves in the forests and as in fighting in wintry seas against Elven fleets, the Order of the Aegis has never rested and will not rest until the Elven threat is ended.


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