Aquarins Species in Moudon | World Anvil


Similar to the Inferni, Aquarins are semi-translucent slugs. They are able to create water, if they are blue, or ice/cool water if they are white. They are a hybrid cross of water elementals, gelatinous cubes and Magus Snails.   It is one of the earliest hybrids made by Limitless Biologics. They are still more often seen in industrial and middle-class homes and up. They are not considered sapient by Moudon's current laws.

Basic Information


Aquarins are gastropods with no internal shell. Their mantle is transparent in the case of the blue sub variety and translucent but clear in colour for the white varieties. Both light off a slight bluish-white glow. Short upper tentacles detect and gather latent magic in the immediate space. Their keels, feet and skirts are light to vibrant blue. Their slime can chill things on contact in the case of the white ones, and is copious and non viscous (water) in the case of blue ones.

Biological Traits

There are no discernable genders as the Aquarins lack gonads. They vary between the blue and white. Blue Aquarins create water and White Aquarins can create ice or cool things.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aquarins lack gonopores, and so are not able to reproduce. They must be made as hybrids from the original species every time, or so it seems.  
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Limitless create the Aquarins in a similar fashion to the Inferni by used of boiling cauldron to make a slurry of genetic material, then the mother liquor created is run through a specially made alembic and condenser, each young slug is then placed in small vats of specially procured spring water until they reach the full adult size.

Ecology and Habitats

Aquarins survive a little bit more easily than Inferni in the wilds. Magic can sustain them for a while but water can also easily be found. There does seem to be some genetic or structural feature that does not allow them to survive too long outside of Aquarin Pots. They are made of terracotta coated with a treated paint that encourages the creation of water or ice as appropriate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aquarins require at least once weekly feeding of dew or condensate. They will revert to magic if there is a lack of feeding buut the water they create becomes more acidic in taste. They tend to be a bit more lethargic than Inferni and less territorial. Feedings only take one minute as multiple pores on their body can take in the dew.

Biological Cycle

Aquarins early life is largely unknown to the public as their creation is proprietary, but their adult and later life is detailed in the Limitless Aquarin Care Manual provided with each purchase of an Aquarin.   Aquarins spend most of their lives in their pots and can live 2-5 years before needing to be replaced. As they get older slime production lowers, and in the case of white aquarins they are no longer able to create ice but only cool water. Eventually, they dry out despite being fed and begin to stick to the side of the pot and dry out. They then dry out to the size of a pebble and are crystalline in appearance until they shatter to glittery dust.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Created by Limitless Biologics, Aquarins were created for their products and are maintained by their technicians.   1 Blue Aquarin costs 250 GP   5 Blue Aquarin cost 1000 GP   1 White Aquarin costs 350 GP   5 White Aquarins cost 1500 GP   They are used in the Perfect Mister, Ever-Flow Tank, and Freshest-of-Foodinator (FoF).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

There is no natural distribution for this creature.

Average Intelligence

Aquarins have a reticular formation for basic biological functions but are otherwise considered to be mindless.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aquarins are drawn to places of magic that are naturally present in the world, and can live for short periods of time on magic alone even if they are not being well taken care of. Their other sense are somewhat muted, just as with the Inferni, which may be a side effect of their hybridization or purposely selected for.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gastropoda praecantatios aquarilus
3.5 years
Average Weight
20-40 kgs
Average Length
0.3-0.5 metres
Discovered by


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Jan 20, 2022 13:30

A really interesting creature that if I'm understanding correctly is mostly used in everyday life? If so how exactly does the gathering of their water work. Can you speed up the process if you need water or do you have to wait until they naturally give it. Are they used beyond the life of the population? Could they for example be used as equipment for firefighters? All in all a great article and I really like the drawing.

Jan 24, 2022 22:06

Thank you for your feedback! :D You have asked some questions that I had not even considered. To answer a few:   First question: Yes, Aquarins are used in everyday life but there are also some commercial applications for them as well. It is not so much that they gather water so much as that their cells can multiply water naturally, provided that they are provided with at least weekly access to fresh dew or condensate. If they are not fed, Aquarins will continue to create water but the nature of that water becomes increasingly polluted with the wild magic that the Aquarins' cells naturally use and store.   Second question: Yes you can speed up the process by feeding the Aquarin more frequently or having more of them but there is a level at which the production of water from the Aquarin plateaus (76 litres/6 seconds; but this halves the productive lives of the Aquarin if this is done continuously) and there are only so many that you can fit into a given enclosure.   Third question: There is a current trend among the rich to keep their 'retired' Aquarins as a symbol that they could afford them before they became affordable for the general public. They no longer produce water or ice at that point.   Fourth question: there are commercial uses for the aquarin and that is an expanding field for them. Larger enclosures and more robust aquarins may be used for firefighting, medicine, and industrial purposes.   Also thank you for the compliment, I am slowly trying to draw some of my creations and hope that they come out at least half-decent.

Feb 1, 2022 01:13

I really enjoyed your article! What a cool idea! Is the water used in potions and the like, and if so, what kind? Have there been people trying to eat the creature to see if they could obtain the magic? How would it affect them? Overall a great article and great art too :D

Check out my On the Shoulders of Giants article: Satlonia
Feb 2, 2022 15:15

Thanks for the feedback and wonderful questions. Surprisingly, though the water created works marvellously in mundane purposes and would be used in cooking and such, the water created by aquarins is not exactly the best of quality for all potions and magic as the water does not contain some of the minerals that one might get from water taken from a spring. They are also poisonous to eat, or rather lethal. Eating them does not necessarily take away their cells' ability to create water. Add that to the wet environment of a body and a person will eventually drown on dry land unless the cells are carefully removed from the GI tract. The more I think about the more that sounds like a nightmare...