Phantasmal Vision Spell in Mouse Guard Abroad | World Anvil
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Phantasmal Vision

Weaving raw aether to his whim, the caster shapes an utterly convincing vision from his thoughts.
  • Lore Master Ob to learn: 3
  • Scholar Ob to scribe as a scroll: 2
  • Scholar Ob to scribe into traveling spell book: 3



The caster creates an illusion (no bigger than 20’ x 20’ x 20’) that is utterly convincing to the viewer. If the caster succeeds in the versus test, the target(s) are fooled by the illusion. The spell lasts one turn.

Side/Secondary Effects

This spell forces a versus test between Will (or Nature for monsters) of the target(s) and the caster’s Arcanist skill. The magician suffers -1s to the roll if creating the vision from imagination rather than from something previously seen. If cast upon multiple targets, the targets help each other resist.

Material Components
Alcoholic spirits sprayed from the mouth in the area subject to the illusion.
Effect Duration
One turn

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Cover image: by Simon Edge


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