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Alatria (alatyr singular) is an incredibly valuable material, that can be found in limited quantities and only in certain parts of Mriyar. Over the centuries, alatria found application in different field of science and arcane, causing a few rapid advancements in these fields across the lands. Due to the fact, that alatria has a number of properties, that wasn't found in any other material and are hard to replicate on its own, alatrian mining not once caused wars and conflicts between countries.  


Depending on the type, alatria can be of 3 different colors:
  • The Blood Alatria has a blue colour, with red tops of the crystals. It is the most common type of Alatria on the ground.
  • The Pure Alatria is completely vibrant blue. It can be found in the deep underground tunnels and caverns.
  • The Void Alatria is of vibrant purple color, with dark pigmentations in some places. Void Alatria is found on the lands infected by Void Energy.
  • The detail, that unites all alatrian types, is a small glow inside the crystals, and a half-transparent tendrils (blue or red), that grow from inside the central light.


    Material Characteristics

    Alatria looks like an incredibly smooth, shiny mineral, as if all sharp edges have been melted by high temperatures.

    Physical & Chemical Properties

    Alatria is slightly warm to touch. The inner part of the crystals and the bonds between the molecules are under constant pressure which quite often can lead top explosions during the extraction of crystals, if they are not mined correctly.


    Alatria is often ground into powder, that is used in a number of arcane rituals, experiments with energy flows and, though not on a legal level, as a drug to enhance magical potency and powers.

    Geology & Geography

    Alatria is most often found in mountainous and heavily forested regions of the continents, though some deposits were found near shores (like deposits near Berezhany)

    History & Usage


    The first discovery of alatria happened in the Era of Rebirth, but for a long time there was no production of this material (as it was considered the tears of gods, their symbol, their sacred stone)
    In the Era of Searching the first country to try mining alatria was Magior Kingdom (later Magior Empire). For centuries they researched the abilities of alatria, and in a way, the discovery of its properties and usage in magic, led to the expansion of Magior Kingdom, conquering of neighbouring lands.

    Everyday use

    Due to the difficulties and dangers of alatria production, it's incredibly rare for common folk to get their hands on this crystals. The difficulties of production and limited amounts of deposits make alatria expensive and hard to obtain. Nevertheless, there were cases, where farmers or hunters came across smaller pieces of alatria, that were as if broken off from the big ones, and in a way became "lucky blessings" to these people.

    Cultural Significance and Usage

    In the Era of Rebirth, it was common to consider natural alatrian pillars and stones as the symbol of Gods, one of the most sacred manifestations of them. Many sanctuaries and religious communities were built in proximity to these deposits, and a number of old traditions were focused in one way or another on these crystals.
    In the Era of Searching, some of said traditions survived, especially among smaller communities, but most of the world moved on with progress, now focusing on the physical uses of alatria.

    Manufacturing & Products

    Alatrian powder, that serves as accelerator for magic. Also used as a source of energy, a core. Many alatrian stones are used in airship systems production, in weapons and transportation, but due to rarity of this material the prices for it are high.


    The Black Market of Mriyar found the small usages of alatrian powder as a strong narcotics additive.
    Additionally, it was observed and documented, that even non-mined alatria has psychoactive effects on those, who are prone to magic (arcanists, ciphers, druids, etc.). Many such people claimed to have hearing hallucination near alatria, as well as experiencing the magic drain.

    Chaos Manifestations near Alatria

    Any magic of arcane nature near alatria (by bards, sorcerers, wizards, ciphers, some rogues and fighters) causes bursts of energies of Chaos. Large crystals and deposits of Alatria cause this effect in up to 500 meter radius, while small stones effect only the nearest magic users. Depending on the strength of the spell, the manifestation will vary, which is reflected in the following Tables: Cantrips, 1st and 2nd level spells cause the effects of Table of Chaos Manifestation v1; 3rd, 4th, 5th level spells cause the effects of Table of Chaos Manifestation v2; 6th and higher level spells cause the effects of Table of Chaos Manifestation v3.
    Table of Chaos Manifestation v1 (For Cantrips – 2 level spells)
    Die Roll Result
    01-10 Witchery: Within 25ft of you, milk curdles, wine goes sour and food spoils.
    11-20 Haunted. Ghostly voices fill the air for the duration of your spell. Everyone in 10 ft radius of you must take Wis. Saving through or be Frightened
    21-30 Breath of Void. A cold and unnatural wind blows through the area, making everyone vulnerable to cold damage (or negates resistance to cold dmg) for next d6 turns.
    31-40 Guilty Tears. Your eyes are filed with burning pain and you start to tear up with blood. You have disadvantage on any actions that involve sight for the next hour.
    41-50 Primal Fear. All animals in 40 ft radius around you are frightened and run away, unless someone calms them down with successful Animal Handling check.
    51-60 Uninvited Presence. Summons 3 Quasits that attack you next turn.
    61-70 Storm Caller. A bolt of lightning zips through the skies above, accompanied by the rolling thunder. For the next 3 days the weather is heavy rain.
    71-80 Chaotic Combustion. All flammable surfaces in 20ft radius of you instantly ignite.
    81-90 Explosion Party. You begin to vomit worms as well as 3 two reddish purple frogs, 1 each turn. The frogs are explosive and explode in the end of your next turn, or after being thrown. You can throw a frog using a bonus action and dealing 1d6 of fire damage.
    91-00 Unlucky. Roll on Table of Chaos Manifestation v2 instead.
    Table of Chaos Manifestation v2 (3-5 level spells)
    Die Roll Result
    01-10 Fiery Sight. Your eyes start to shine with unnatural purple fire for the next 24 hours, granting you the ability to see through any illusions and invisibility.
    11-20 Lights out. All natural and unnatural light sources in 40 ft radius around you are extinguished. The sun covers with clouds for the next hour.
    21-30 Visions of the Void. Area around you fills with illusory images of Void creatures for the next minute. Everyone in the 20ft distance of you is filled with dread and has disadvantage on their attack rolls and ability checks.
    31-40 Silenced. You lose your voice for 1d10 turns.
    41-50 Wild Surge. You lose control of the magic you’re casting. Everyone in 40ft. radius around you, including you, must make Str saving throw. On failure, they are knocked prone and suffers 4d8 force damage, regardless of their armor, on success they only suffer half the damage.
    51-60 Natural Mutation. Ground under your feet in 40ft radius around you starts to be rapidly covered in different plants and spikes, changing the terrain to difficult.
    61-70 Shadow Parasites. From your shadow appears 2 Shadow Demons, that attack you next turn.
    71-80 Time Bend. You feel time speeding up around you. You can take another action right away.
    81-90 Time and Space. You are displaced into the Bottomless Depths of the Void for 2 turns, after which you return back, but appear in random point in 40 ft radius of your previous location.
    91-00 Cruel Gift. Roll on Table of Chaos Manifestation v3 instead
    Table of Chaos Manifestation v3 (6 and higher level spells)
    Die Roll Result
    01-10 Void Eye. A thick layer of black goo covers your eyes. You are blinded for the next minute.
    11-20 Life Drain. You gain one level of exhaustion, but don't expend your spell slot.
    21-30 Energy Overflow. You are overwhelmed by the chaos energies and stunned until the end of your next turn.
    31-40 Spell Confusion. The spell you're casting has no effect, or if it must cause damage it is redirected on different nearest to you target.
    41-50 Surge of Power. You feel a surge of Void energies. You restore all of your spell slots.
    51-60 Rise Up. All bodies in a 1 mile radius around you rise from the dead and become undead.
    61-70 Possession. You are possessed by a Demon entity for one minute. During that time, the DM controls all your actions and when you take control of your body again, you’ll have no memory of what you just did.
    71-80 Arcane Burnout. Your ability to use magic is burned out of you. (This effects cantrips as well). After 24 hours, each day you recover one level of spells, starting from cantrips.
    81-90 Void Guest. A portal opens to the Void and a powerful large Demon (Glabrezu?) steps out of it, bearing death and destruction with it. It attacks anyone it sees.
    91-95 Black Sun’s Blessing. A rune is burned out on your skin that can’t be removed by simple means. While you have it, all your magic attacks deal additional 4d6 psychic damage and you have advantage on mind affecting spells, but spells of any level near alatria will trigger Table of Chaos Manifestation v3. With each new rune you’ll start hearing Temriaz more and more: first in your dreams, then in your thoughts, then as visual hallucination. When you get 5 runes – you get permanently possessed.
    96-00 Called to the Void. You are sucked into the Bottomless Depths of the Void and are forever lost.
    High Value
    Very rare.
    No odor
    Common State
    Thick solid


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