Catio Patio Cabaret

Friday Night Cat and Kitty Charity Gala

When the week is busy and our outcomes are perfectly awful the feline investigators clear their office and begin to hang the lanterns. With the success they have rounding up lost cats, abandoned cats, colony cats and fugitives they can afford to spend their graces on cat charities. The best way to earn a few extra coins and entertain the neigborhood is to turn their daytime catio suite into a stage.   Building their stage while sipping large glasses of catnip tea over ice is a treat they wait week. For a few minutes they chase their tails in a ritual manner. At 9:pm the Catio opens to their neighbors and friends.  
It's Time to Dance
It's Time to Dance by Ann Dickerson aka ROD
When the Catio Cats begin to play their instruments, the neigboring outside cats come dressed in whatever suits them to celebrate a week of being fed and sheltered from weather too hot, cold or dangerous.  

The Catio Patio Cabaret PSA

Every Friday night The Catio Band discusses the plight of neighboring cats that celebrate with them. Some of their friends aren't fortunate enough to share a home and catio. They live in colonies nearby, outdoors or on their own. When the cats come to the Catio Patio, they can forget their woes for a few hours. Between the acts and song they talk about what it means to be a rescue cat.
— Captain Socks
Captain Socks Playing the Bongo: The Captain's favorite charity supports neighbors who choose to chip their cats. Lost and abandoned cats outnumber what the FBI (Feline Bureau of Investigations) private eyes can solve. Of course keeping cats confined to home or catio protected spaces or gardens are the best way to keep a cat safe, but cats do get out into the neighborhood. They don't realize what can happen within a short time.   Collar luggage tag is helpful for nearby (in home) cats that don't want to ge found, but safe snap collars come off. The tag is not a suggested tool for keeping track of felines. Chips are the best way to locate a cat that is lost. When cats do follow neighboring cats to a food dish or water a cat lover can take the unknown cat to the vet. Animal shelters and veterinary professionals are vital in the life-saving mission of microchips for cats. Rapidly scanning cats for microchips upon their arrival at shelters or veterinary clinics enhances the possibility of reuniting them with their human families or cat families outdoors.

Captain Socks Bongo Drum.jpg

Lily Bit Playing the Fiddle: Before her rescue Lily Bit suffered from being given harmful water. While trying to find water she confronted horrors:, losing her teeth, dislocating her jaw and having her ears boxed until she went deaf. Funding the distribution of water bowls, fountains and information about the dietary need for fresh water is Lily's favorite charity: Cats need access to fresh drinking water by placing a bowl out daily. Nevertheless, certain cats may not consume enough water due to their desert origins. Cats drink less when their water bowl is near their food or litter box. Set up bowls around the house so your cat can easily reach water and have backup sources in case one bowl gets spilled. To facilitate cleaning, it is advisable to choose a water fountain that is uncomplicated and has minimal parts. Lily Bit is still timid and prefers her comfortable corner of the house where she is fed, petted and shares a closeby water fountain. An empty box to play in and the fountain are her favorite things.

Lily Bit and Fiddle.jpg

Crystal Playing the Banjo: Crystal's charity supports cat vaccinations. Vaccinations against infectious diseases are necessary for indoor cats, despite what some people may believe. Even though indoor living is considered safer and leads to a longer lifespan, indoor cats can still be affected by important infectious diseases. A core vaccination is the rabies shot that is a legal responsibility in most locations. Feline leukemia and distemper shots are often suggested after cat's checkup with a veternarian. Cats who live together are particularly prone to need additional inoculations.

Crystal and Banjo.jpg

Prima Ballerina Dew Little Playing the Accordian: Dew Little is proud to chair her charity. The elimination or reduction of certain behaviors can be achieved through spaying and neutering. Female pets that have been spayed do not experience heat (estrus). Female cats tend to go into heat quite frequently during breeding season, with the possibility of it lasting year-round in certain climates. Hormonal stimulation during heat can cause female dogs to exhibit various behaviors, including increased friendliness, reservedness, or even aggression. Male animals can be drawn to your yard and surroundings by dogs and cats in heat.

Dew Little and Accordian.jpg

Catio Board of Directors' Comments
Feline Bureau of Investigation celebrates the care and feeding of cats and kitties. NOT their unanticipated and undesired birth or their increasing population. It is cruel and ridiculously stupid/lazy to leave a litter of undesired kittens unattended or abandoned. Domestic cats are not wild animals. They require human care. There is no assurance a human cat owner is able or prepared to adopt cats that are left on their doorsteps. Most county animal help agencies provide a low cost spay or neutering service. There is no excuse for breeding homeless cats. Although some rescue cats like ourselves (Socks, Lily Bit, Crystal and Dew Little) were lucky to findour Catio parents), there are far too many cats left to suffer everyday.
Coming Soon: First FBI Episode - The Case of Stolen Bowls

Cover image: Catio Feline Band by ROD w/Midjourney


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Jul 7, 2024 00:51 by Marjorie Ariel

Love this! I love all the information about cat care, as well as the fabulous pictures!

Jul 31, 2024 17:27 by Ruby O'Degee

Thank you for the inspiration to keep working on these articles.

Stories that keep me guessing about where the monsters are hiding. Under my bed or in my head?
Jul 7, 2024 04:31 by jyliet of the house

I agree with bariesaxxy! Such great information about keeping cats safe and healthy, and the illustrations are fantastic. What a fun style!

Jul 31, 2024 17:28 by Ruby O'Degee

Thank you for your comment about the illustration. These were my first from scratch homemade attempts to create my own images.

Stories that keep me guessing about where the monsters are hiding. Under my bed or in my head?