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Gene Editing

Gene editing is a common and accepted treatment for severe congenital conditions such as lipase or protease disorders. Due to the Stenza's fairly low population compared to other species across the galaxy they have limited the use of the therapy to only the most extreme conditions; therefore, conditions like Red-Green Vision and Asymmetric Polycoria, which have genetic components, are left alone or corrected by other means in an effort to prevent bottlenecking.


Gene editing is only used as a treatment for severe genetic conditions, which are defined as mutations that have historically been deleterious to the Stenza population. These include digestive enzyme disorders, certain problems with body temperature management, and certain neurobiological conditions, such as an inability to fully disconnect from the Collective Knowledge.

Social Impact

Gene editing is the latest in a long line of medical advances that have reduced pup death over the course of Stenza history, and is one of the main reasons pup deaths are at an all-time low. Reduced pup death has impacted the way Stenza strategize around Hunting Season and food preservation, as well as courtship rituals.
Access & Availability
Gene editing is a procedure falling under the purview of medical doctors, and while it can be performed on anyone who needs it, the ability to perform it requires training.
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