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As kneeling is reserved for the dead, Stenza prefer two postures for sitting: cross-legged, or on haunches. Each is preferred in different social situations, although an individual can use one or the other to indicate personal preference or how one feels about an interlocutor.



  Sitting cross-legged is the preferred method of sitting on stools, as well as when dealing with pups and small children. Cross-legged sitting is ubiquitous in formal situations, as well. Especially in formal situations, it is a requisite to keep the spine straight while seated, and it is common to rest the wrists on the knees.  
On Haunches
  Between the two, sitting on one's haunches is the less formal position, and is almost always used between equals or when one of the parties considers themselves equal to or (in certain instances) above those with them. (T'zim-Sha assumed this position when meeting the Doctor again on Ranskoor Av Kolos.) It requires careful balance, however, as it is dangerously close to kneeling. An adult can use this position with older children or their fellow adults, although some may find sitting cross-legged to be easier.  
Modified Haunches and "Rock" Position
  Pups, due to their quadrupedal nature, have their own modes of sitting. One, "modified haunches", involves resting the backside on a surface (any surface) and the forelimbs inside the rear limbs. This is a common expression from pups who wish to learn something from a nearby older child or adult, and may be accompanied by vocalizations in order to attract attention to their cause.   The other position is referred to by the Stenza as "rock", after the geologic objects both great and small that dot the landscape. Pups lie on their bellies and fold their forelimbs under their chests, frequently concealing them from view. This position is directly comparable to "loaf" as used to describe cats doing similar on Earth. This position is used for relaxation and passive observing (and is quite difficult to do on surfaces not parallel to the floor).
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Dec 10, 2020 01:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the thought you've put into the sitting positions. They make so much cultural sense, particularly as kneeling needs to be avoided!

Dec 10, 2020 02:23

It's such a little thing, but these details help make a world feel lived in.