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The Hymn of Fallen Gods

The Hymn of Fallen Gods is a Muxteran hymn most famous in modern times for its place of prominence on Chelf's In the City of the Temple. The album being a sound map of the war-torn city of Mundeen, the Hymn of Fallen Gods corresponds to a hill from which the Pantheon of Mundeen could be viewed.

Historical Details


The Hymn to Fallen Gods originally told the descent of certain Muxteran beneath the earth (or into the underworld, depending on who's telling the story), and has been used for holidays commemorating such for most of its history.   However, as The Stenza invaded Muxter, and Mundeen in particular, the hymn gained a greater symbolic meaning, expressing the fears of many that the temples and statues of their gods would be destroyed.

Public Reaction

Chelf's cover is swiftly becoming definitive among the Muxteran population. The combination of their deeply expressive voice and the surrounding circumstances led to music critics starting to call this version one of the most important tracks in Muxteran history.


Chelf's cover of the hymn has had two primary consequences: on one hand, it became something of an anthem for Muxteran resistance groups. On the other, it, and the rest of her back catalogue to date, have reached the ears of Ta'zhen. The consequences of the latter remain to be seen.
Text, Religious
Digital Recording, Audio


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Dec 2, 2022 00:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Dun dun duuuuun. I love that it has taken on a much greater significance in Muxteran culture since they were invaded. That's a nice touch.

Dec 2, 2022 19:45

It made logical sense to me and it also made me sad, so here we are :D