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Multiple Worlds

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One page for the documents and articles on smaller less expansive worlds that aren't big enough to fill in a whole page on their own.

Earth died. A massive solar flare wiped out all electronics on the planet. Nothing worked. Including nuclear reactor fail-safes. Once one went off, the rest followed in a chain reaction. Nothing escaped the blast. Humanity manged to survive in bunkers and shelters, but only a fraction of the population. That was two hundred years ago. Now what's left of humanity hides inside their only city, their utopia, with a few scant groups braving the irradiated wastes outside the Domed colony. Desperate for ways to survive, the new generations of humans have turned to twisted, cruel scientific methods for hope.
In a world where superpowered humans are commodities to be bought, sold and used, and a religious cult hunts them as abominations, the League of Heroes have made a series of protected communities for Supers to live safely. Unfortunately a group within are more inclined to world domination instead of world protection. They are recruiting and planning right under the heroes' noses and they may even be using that same religious cult as their own weapon.
  The League (of Heroes) - A group of Superpowered Heroes that formed with the intention of protecting Supers and humans alike. They are viewed as Heroes worldwide and have created several hidden communities where Supers can live in peace without fear of being used as weapon. They are responsible for the containment of dangerous Supers and the rescue of innocent ones caught in bad situations.
Subter - the underground headquarters of the League of Heroes. It is home to many high risk Supers that can't be trusted in the protection communities, those that would draw too much attention or Supers in training to Assist the League in their missions. Many decisions regarding the League's actions are made here and some of the members of the League keep a permanent residence here.
Ivory Faith - a religious zealot group that believe people with super powers are inhuman demons that need to be purged. They lead a religious crusade near worldwide and are so feared by world governments that they're largely left to do as they please. They believe the only way to save an abomination's soul is to burn them at the Stake.
Red Templar - One of five headquarters for the Ivory Faith, the Red Templar Abbey is ran by the most violent of the Faith's Elders, Father Jonah.

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