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the spirit realm

the spirit realm is an easy concept to grasp, but a harder one to enter.   the spirit realm is not the afterlife, it's the place people go after they die, but before they go the afterlife. to enter the spirit realm, one must die. this is the only way in.   once you enter the spirit realm, you will have 2 choices, to continue to the afterlife, or stay in the spirit realm.   if you decide to go into the afterlife, the goddess of death will escort you. but if you decide to stay in the spirit realm, you practically become a ghost.   staying in the spirit realm will allow you to watch over the mortal realm, even guide your loved ones or to be brought back through any means neccesarry.   entities inside the mortal realm are unable to observe the spirits, unless under special circumstances. it is believed devine is able to see and hear all spirits whenever he chooses too.   the reason for this is, the spirit world is actually must faster than the mortal realm. any being outside of the spirit realm would have to move incredibly fast in order to observe the spirits.   there has been or will be (depending on where you are on the timeline) one example of a human interacting with a spirit. when mask initaited protocol apocalypse, he was able to move himself so fast that the world around him almost stood still. he was able to interact with the spirit of hunter before dying of a heart attack due to moving so fast.

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