Bricklayers Storefront
A Service under the management of the Yorke Family, Their Bricklayer store does perform business, however it acts as a front for much more than bricklaying.
Located upon the Flats, the yorke Bricklayers is found within one of the South-West facing buildings.Services
Providing jobs for many members of the Yorke Family, the family can be hired from teh store to participate in bricklaying and similar construction jobs aroudn the town. The yorke family will provide materials, transport goods, and aid in construction if paid.
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The store, while operational, is actually a front for the Yorke Family's illicit dealings and activities, and non family members would enter from the store when inquiring about under the table jobs, or tasks related to the Sin Concord.
For as long as the Yorke Family have been living within the flats, the store has been open.Appendix
Bricklayers Storefront
TypeBasic Inforamtion
Trade Store
Region Parrs Harbor, Cahokia
Owner(s) Yorke Family
Services Bricklaying
Kiosk / Small store
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