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11th of Tiamatus, 4023AA

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About Mundi:

Mundi is an old world, that has existed for billions of years. Mundi's climate and seasons are unpredictable, summers and winters seem to be connected or at least correlated to the presentation of one of its two moons.   Mundi has two moons, one named Thel and the other Araphel. Thel is the larger and brighter moon. Thel also has a much shorter cycle and it used to track the months as one cycle of Thel is equivalent to a month. Araphel in the other hand is much smaller and darker, mostly blood red when visible at all. When Araphael appear brightest is usually an indication of a harsh winter or evil omens.   Mundi has seven seas and seven continents, the vast majority of the world is covered by water. The continents have shifted and moved over the ages and continue to do so. The landscape is varied and diverse, including all kinds of biomes from frozen tundra to dry deserts and vast jungles. Generally, the further one travels north and south the colder the climate becomes, while in between are the warmest climates near the equator.    


  • Chapter Two: The Heist
  • Chapter One: The Hunt for the Bard
  • The Mystery of the Burglary of the St. Albine Parrish

  • World History

    Static Historical Timeline


      1. Bahamus
    2. Ishtarus 
    3. Moradius 
    4. Chauteas 
    5. Quintenus 
    6. Androxious 
    7. Sepvenus 
    8. Octovious 
    9. Vecnus 
    10. Tiamatus 

    Days of the Week:


    Celestial Bodies

    Mundi has two moons, Thel and Araphel named after the two gods of creation. Thel the goddes of light and Araphel the god of darkness. Thel is the larger and brighter moon. Thel is used to track the months, as a full cycle of Thel corresponds to a month. Araphel on the other hand, generally much dimmer in the sky mostly unseen or as a small red dot in the sky. However, when Araphel is in its full phase it becomes brighter and larger displaying a blood red moon. A full Araphel has been a sign of bad omens or harsh weather for as long as memory is preserved, it so it remains.


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    Dungeons & Dragons 5e