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A feymark is a powerful, magically-caused mutation on living beings when in the presence of a Fey's magical aura when a series of conditions are met. A feymark is essentially when part of a Fey's magical energy becomes part of a living's creature magical aura. The process of Feymarking is completely harmless depending on the severity of the Feymark, with Class Ds happening with barely any pain, Class Cs happening with a mild amount of damage and increase pain, Class Bs happening with considerable pain and damage, all the way to Class S Feymarks which will most definitely kill the subject or debilitate them substantially. Feymarks are more apparent and visible the higher class they are with Class D being least mutated and Class S being most mutated.

Transmission & Vectors

Feymarks are only obtained within a series of conditions that must be met for them to happen:   1. Magic Shunting
When a Fey relocates into the physical realm and this so happens to be within the same space as the creature in question. Both the creature and the Fey are shunted to a nearby area to the space in question and the creature that this happened to is from that point on Feymarked. Feymarks received this way are usually only Class C and Class D Feymarks, however, and never go past the Class B mark.   2. Long Term Osmosis
When a Fey stays within a distance of around 4 feet from a creature for longer than 3 hours. The Fey's magical essense slowly taints living creature's essences through magical osmosis. Since the Fey's bodies are made of magical energy, they passively start defeating any living creature's magical aura nearby and slowly corrupts the creatures' magical makeup with their magical essence. At around the 6 hour and 10 minutes to twenty minutes, at most, a creatuer obtains a Class D Feymark. At the 6 hour mark the creature gets a larger Class C Feymark. At this point the rate accelerates exponentially to 3 hours again for a Class B Feymark, 1 hour for a Class A Feymark, and a half hour for a Class S mark.   3. Direct Link Osmosis through Altered States of Mind
When a Fey creates a magical osmosis link with a creature in a changed or heightened state of mind: this includes states of mind that happen under chemical imbalance such as the heavy use of recreational substances. As stated earlier a Fey's magical essense passively defeats the magical aura of nearby creatures at a slow rate. Establishing a Direct Link between the Fey's aura and the creature's own such as through telepathy or a direct touch to the Fey's physical body would not accelerate the rate of osmosis unless said creatures' mental state is altered at moment of this direct link osmosis Depending on the altered mental state condition, Fey can synchronize with these excited or changed mental auras and increase the speed of Osmosis tenfold. Creatures in these altered states of mind will become almost immediately mutated with a Class D or Class C Feymark in a few seconds, and after a minute or two this can cause severe mutations up to a Class S Feymark.   4. Willful Direct Link Osmosis
If the creature willfully creates a Direct Link Osmosis, the creature is painfully evolved into a Class S Feymark in seconds, in a similar amount of time to a Direct Link Osmosis. This Willful Direct Link has to be maintained through the creature's concentrated effort to keep it through the excruciating pain and damage that is caused by this kind of Feymark mutation.


Classes of Feymark

  As mentioned, Feymarks are the left over corrupting essences of Fey which corrupt the magical auras of creatures nearby: mutating nearby magical processes in a creature's essence and affecting their physical makeup to exhude by forcing them to exhude more magic than they normally would, differently aespected magic than normal or both. The result is a magical mutation of the creature in question that affects their physical form and the aespected nature of their magical abilities. These magical mutations can manifest in a myriad ways, usually to some detriment as well as some useful enhancement to a creature's physical and magical capabilities. The levels of apparent changes in a creature's magical aura and physical form are categorized into different classes ranging from Class D to Class S, with Class D   

Types of Feymark

  Different types of feymark exist, of course, and they all have different names depending on the Fey that marked the feymarked creature.   Elementali
Creatures feymarked by Elementals. Despite elementals' docile, static nature, they are known to be attracted by the use of elemental magic, which would bring them closer to the place where the magic was used which. here are rare instances recorded where elementals have been known to hover closer to creatures when they cross paths. Although the elementals do not harm creatures by choice, their sporadic elemental discharges may eventually harm or even kill creatures before they're feymarked. In some instances elementals are more docile than others it is possible to find oneself feymarked by them for lack of interaction otherwise.   Elementali have additional magical attributes of the element they were marked by.   Class D Features   Class S   Trick Kid / Crettin
Cretures feymarked by Feyries. Feyries are mischievous Fey that want to add as many Mundane creatures to their ranks as possible to live in their combined. Feymarches where Feyries are present are more   Yuuke
Creatures feymarked by Uwamis. Despite an Uwami's generally inanimate nature their magical make-up makes them be capable of Feymarking others if any of the transmission conditions are met.   Vampire / Hellspawn
Creatures feymarked by Daemons. Daemons always attempt to feymark their victims as quickly as possible, whether by proactively attempting a direct link magical osmosis as well as attempting to expand their range of influence as large as they can. This makes Daemons very dangerous and their feymarking process be faster, more painful and more damaging than the feymarking processes of other Fey.   Class D Features   Class S Vampires are burnt by exposure to sunlight and can die from it.   Fused Esper
Creatures feymarked by Espers. Unlike most other Fey, an Esper's Feymark is only temporary and only happens within range of exposure to the Esper. Espers can also choose to limit their range of influence, and effectively can prevent feymarking living creatures at will.   Sorcerer(ess) / Font
Creatures feymakred by Occuria. Like Espers, Occuria normally prevent themselves from feymarking creatures via limiting their range of magical influence unless they choose to remove these limits. Unlike Espers, Occuria's feymarking does stay permanently on living creatueres. Also unlike Espers, an Occuria's feymarking does affect them temporarily. Occuria are damaged when they Feymark, as once they do allow their limited range of influence to expand and affect others passively they are unable to prevent their essence from being absorbed rapidly.
Chronic, Acquired

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